Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

the shape is fine the only thing that gets meif the dirty looking panels
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

The Harbor Point redesign is far more offensive to me than Waterside could ever be. While it's a much more civilized place to live it became the shlocky PoMo template for an entire generation of quaint, sentimentalized New Urbanist (with precious little urbanism) public housing throughout the country.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I really like the original, such a shame. I'd like to say it looks better in person, but it doesn't. Really an embarrassment to the developer. But hey, his pockets are lined so what does he care. Honestly, the BRA is at fault on this one... its obvious that there is a flaw in the system if this gets by.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

They should just paint it at this point, because we all know they wont reclad a building that was just built.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

ouch...that's depressing. I guess I forgot how much better the planned development was supposed to be. It's disgusting that the city allowed this to happen.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

The Harbor Point redesign is far more offensive to me than Waterside could ever be. While it's a much more civilized place to live it became the shlocky PoMo template for an entire generation of quaint, sentimentalized New Urbanist (with precious little urbanism) public housing throughout the country.

A fair measure of comparison for Harbor Point is Columbia Point: a yellow brick hell, depraved, vicious, a land of no hope. Harbor Point is a vast improvement.

Of course, it would have been better to level all of it and build a proper urban neighborhood.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

The main problem I have with Harbor Point is that it has no small commercial spaces (convenience stores, coffee shops, small restaurants) intermixed. The rebuild was a golden opportunity to add these, and they didn't do it. These things are especially needed when you are on an isolated peninsula with nothing commercial nearby to walk to.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

The main problem I have with Harbor Point is that it has no small commercial spaces (convenience stores, coffee shops, small restaurants) intermixed. The rebuild was a golden opportunity to add these, and they didn't do it. These things are especially needed when you are on an isolated peninsula with nothing commercial nearby to walk to.

Ron & Toby -- Ye of little faith -- Remember that things take time [especially in Boston] and that what something is today it might be something different later

Take a look at all the shops on Newbury St. -- All the structures were built as single family residences.

That is mostly true of the entire early development of the Back Bay [ 1860 - 1890] -- with the exception of Churches, the lots reserved for MIT and the MOS [its 19th century predecessor] -- I don't think there was one structure designed for non-residential use in the core of the Back Bay.

For a more recent example of the process of transformation -- look at Cambridge Center -- all office / R&D -- which was imposed on the existing Kendall Square -- only now are residences and shops starting to infiltrate the area to make it into a viable residential neighborhood. for example MIT is trying to make a major impact toward developing a neighborhood while opening up the Vasser St. / Main St. intersection as a 2ndary Campus Gateway
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I saw this in person the different color panels are not anywhere near as dark as they look in pictures, even the pictures I took don't look like it actually did when I was looking at it. In other words this building is a turd but in person it looks like it is just all white and doesnt stand out as much as I thought it would.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

last Friday, I've got to get back to using my camera and not my phone for photos
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

last Friday, I've got to get back to using my camera and not my phone for photos

Is there an award for 'least inoffensive picture of Waterside Place' award? Because I think you just nailed it.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

That's more a result of the oversized roadways, particularly the 4 lanes with vegetated median (fenced to keep you from cutting across it), plus the double wide sidewalks separating this from the podium of the Seaport Hotel and the East WTC tower. Of course there still is a parking lot there, that I'm sure of the future plans (if any) for.

So, while agree with you on the area being too separated, I'll stick with the original comment.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

One good thing about such big roads and sidewalks is plenty of space for light rail one day.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

this thing actually blends in when u see it in person, surprisingly.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

While I can see the details that are missing from the as-built (balconies, the set-off central column (elevators?)), it strikes me that the coolness of the renderings really relies on the tenants never installing curtains.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

looks better than i expected in person
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Those circle grilles look pretty good! Saving the best for last I guess.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Presumably Waterside Place II will mask the south facade, and the most objectionable part of this building will be shielded from view.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

This project is pretty grim as a whole in my opinion. Sorry, just had to state my considered opinion.

