Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Presumably Waterside Place II will mask the south facade, and the most objectionable part of this building will be shielded from view.

Not sure what Waterside Place II would be given the MCCA is looking to put another HQ hotel, for the BCEC, on the lot S of Waterside Place I. I thought Phase II of Waterside I was to be the infill between Waterside Place I and the SL MBTA station. They said it would be for retail (market). I think this spot would be a great location for Trader Joe's. If they had a TJ's, the size of the one in Portland ME (w/wine & beer), it would be a great draw for the district and do a good job of supporting the new frontier locals.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

they can open their TJ's beer with the giant bottle opener feature on the south roof
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Not sure what Waterside Place II would be given the MCCA is looking to put another HQ hotel, for the BCEC, on the lot S of Waterside Place I. I thought Phase II of Waterside I was to be the infill between Waterside Place I and the SL MBTA station. They said it would be for retail (market). I think this spot would be a great location for Trader Joe's. If they had a TJ's, the size of the one in Portland ME (w/wine & beer), it would be a great draw for the district and do a good job of supporting the new frontier locals.

I believe Waterside Place II is also Waterside Crossing, or vice versa.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Nope; Waterside Place Phase II and Waterside Crossing are two different projects. BeeLine was right that phase II will be between the current tower and the MBTA station.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Stell, sorry for not making myself clear. What i was calling phase II was the bit, to the right of the tower, that Drew dropped just before he broke ground on Waterrside Place (the Tower). He said it would be the next phase of construction, at this site, once the market demands existed.

Waterside Place Phase I Night

This does pose an interesting question. Has Drew lost development rights to the "Core Block"? Given that the MCCA is looking at most of the southern half for a HQ Hotel which includes the Phase II site you refer to. Interesting!!

Given the results of Drew's Waterside Place Massport/MCCA should send him packing.
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Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Thanks beeline for the additional info. That helps.

But it also brings back my point that if there is a 300 room hotel between Waterside Place I and Summer St. that the hotel will effectively mask a full frontal view of the south facade of Waterside Place I. Once the trees in the park along D Street south of Liberty Wharf are five years worth of growth taller than they are now, these will mask -- other than in winter -- the best pedestrian view of the north facade.

I guess I am less harsh about purported design shortcomings of what I consider to be an infill building, the best view of which ultimately will be as one rises from or sinks into the Silver Line tunnel.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

^^^ Hey DZH22, that is 315 on A. If only Waterside could look that good.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Ah, yes. You are correct. I was fixated on the better looking building in the foreground.

Its in the distance, beyond the vent stack. For all the complaining, it just disappears into the background. :)
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I wonder if this picture is how the seaport/ innovation district as a whole will work. Some really crappy buildings with a few decent filler and the very occasional good building thrown in with the good building allowing the others to hide behind them and so the area as a whole will look nicer than might be expected.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

^well duh!!! Of course that's gonna happen!!!!!
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

On another note, I think this is my favorite of the Big Dig ventilation buildings.

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Looks like a scene from the Chernobyl Diaries.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I can only dream that this building collapses one evening when nobody is working in it or inhabiting it yet.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

funny u say that ,Every picture I see of this building looks tilted like its going to fall over
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

On another note, I think this is my favorite of the Big Dig ventilation buildings.

From a distance, say from Logan vantage point, it has a very cathedral look to it.
