Where am I? The photo contest

Too easy, John...Cropping the photo will remove the clues...
The Public Library. Wild guess, but yeah.

Looking for something specific in terms of vantage point. Good luck!
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Mit boat house? and wrong answer 4mine :)

Close, but not cigar. Oh jeez, that looks like it could be from anywhere... ugh, I've seen it before, but I'm not sure whether it's down by Mass Ave near Huntington or somewhere entirely off track.
Out on the walking paths of those two ponds on the Esplanade
the old city morgue on mass ave near albany st
It's a Paul Dudley stone. Not sure where? It doesn't look like the Huntington one.
Where is the Huntington one? Someone told me the corners of Parker Street and Huntington Ave but I couldn't find it today!
