Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Wow yeah this photo is like 10x more flattering than any other I've seen!
Thanks, it's even better in person. My gf and I were laughing because even the wet floor sign (partially visible in the bottom left of the pic) is gold plated. Seems they spared no expense.
This was early Saturday morning. It gets much busier during the work week. It's the financial district.
The website for the connector shows most shops are open during business hours. Makes sense, but hopefully they expand them in the future.
This was early Saturday morning. It gets much busier during the work week. It's the financial district.
Scroll up/back to see my pix from "The Connector" mid-day, during the work week a month ago. Nobody was there and nobody ever is there b/c that space is for nobody, but workers in the floors above. It's pretty enough for a lobby in a high-rise, yes. It is also not what it ought to have been. or was promised (despite the protests of some -- who do have good points).
I've been there a few times and it's often moderately busy during weekday afternoons. It's definitely disappointing compared to what was originally advertised but I think it's nowhere near as bad as people on this forum make it out to be. I brought a few friends there a few weeks ago and they all loved it. My biggest gripe with "The Connector" is the lack of weekend hours and the 4 PM closing time on weekdays.
Glad folks like it. Could've been so much better, (the tower, itself, and this... connector/grand hall/whatever the *&% they call it this month), but I will stop being a wet blanket.
While the connector could have been alot better I think we really lucked out not getting an observation deck and all the popularity the city would have pushed with it. I'm hoping the next sky deck will be on the tallest tower in Boston, since no more Hancock, here's to something even higher. :)
I'm with you on this. The "connector" was supposed to be an extension of Winthrop Lane and feel like a public space that people would pass through. This just looks like a gussied-up office building lobby/food court.
The extension of Winthrop Lane concept is a bit fanciful, since Winthrop Lane does not align at all with the entrance to Winthrop Center (it only hits the very tip of Winthrop Square).
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Winthrop Lane does not align at all with the entrance to Winthrop Center (it only hits the very tip of Winthrop Square
True, and to be fair the discussion around it being an extension of the lane was when project was substantially different. Like, in 2015. But that was my favorite part of the project, other than getting rid of that crap garage.
The park in the square isn’t fully done but the fence is gone and some of the pathways are accessible. Looks nice! It’s not grand or sweeping but it’s a high quality pocket infill little urban space.
and feel like a public space that people would pass through.

It is a massively convenient space that people pass through. I pass through it all the time; it's a great conduit from the western to eastern Financial District. And it is interchangeable with its neighbor, 75-101 Fed, that people pass through, in that regard. So what are you actually trying to say, given that "feel" has nothing to do with the reality of its pass-through status?
So what are you actually trying to say
I never really know and should be given no heed.

My opinion of it not feeling like a connector is based entirely on Patrick's picture that makes it look, to my eye, like a food court obstacle course. I'm glad to hear that, in fact, it is serving its purpose as a cut-through. Given that, unlike you, I've not actually walked through the space, I'll shut my mouth now.
  • Haha
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Is the Winthrop Square park going to be all concrete or will there be any grass?
