Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I took these walking to south station yesterday. 100 federal st dominates from here and this is going to be 170 feet taller. Going to be very imposing from downtown much more so than the current MT is.

You cant even see MT in this shot. The top of this tower would almost not even fit into this picture.

You wont even be able to see the top in this shot

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

News Update from the BRA explaining their selection:

BRA, City of Boston to begin negotiations with Millennium Partners for redevelopment of Winthrop Square Garage
Aug 03, 2016
Today, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), in partnership with the City of Boston, announced that they will begin negotiations with Millennium Partners for the sale of 115 Winthrop Square, the Winthrop Square Garage site. The property, which has been closed for several years, is a prime piece of real estate in the heart of downtown Boston’s Financial District and is viewed as a significant opportunity for mixed-use development.

For several months, an interagency review committee comprised of staff from the BRA and other city departments has been vetting six proposals received in response to a Request for Proposals to redevelop the site. After careful consideration, the committee ultimately made a recommendation to Mayor Martin J. Walsh for Millennium Partners as the most advantageous developer based on their proposal’s strength in five key areas:

Developer and design team collaboration
Millennium and their architectural partner, Handel Architects, have a long history of global collaboration, as illustrated locally by the nearly complete Millennium Tower and fully restored Burnham Building.

Sustainability and environmental sensitivity
Millennium’s project proposal sets healthy goals for sustainability and environmental sensitivity, as the developer hopes to achieve a LEED Platinum rating for the project. It would be Boston’s second such residential tower.

Desire to establish a hearty public realm
This proposal calls for a public realm that establishes and reinforces a sense of community and place. The project’s proposed centerpiece is a nearly 13,000 square foot multi-story “Great Hall” that would serve as a cultural and commercial center.

Dynamic programming reflective of an evolving Financial District
This proposal has the potential to establish a dynamic community center for Boston’s downtown area by adding residential units, retail and office space, as well as an innovation accelerator space that would partner with the City of Boston, sponsored by Millennium Partners, to support development, growth, and maturation of startups.

Robust economic development strategy
Millennium Partners estimates that their proposal would create nearly 3,000 construction jobs. The developer has also proposed to partner with Suffolk Construction’s Trade Partnership Series in order to encourage participation from women and minority-owned businesses throughout the construction process. In addition, Millennium is committed to working with a diverse local group of third-party service providers for post-construction operations. This project, once complete, would create a home for 2,200 office workers, 390 retail and restaurant jobs, and 82 employees in building management and operations roles. Finally, Millennium proposes to partner with the Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC) on an affordable housing strategy to meet the project’s Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) obligations by contributing $25 million to the creation of new affordable housing in Chinatown.

“Over the past several months the BRA has facilitated the process for the redevelopment of Winthrop Square, and we are eager to see this site serve as a hub for arts, culture, housing, and innovation,” remarked Mayor Walsh.

All told, Millennium’s proposed project would create a 750-foot “hybrid high-rise” tower with 14 stories of office space and 36 residential floors atop the 65-foot high Great Hall. The project is estimated to cost just over $1 billion. Millennium submitted a purchase price offer of $100 million, along with an offer of up to approximately $50.8 million based on the square footage of residential space of the building.

“The review process for the disposition of the Winthrop Square Garage site has been and will continue to be thorough by engaging multiple city departments,” added BRA Director Brian Golden. “Today’s announcement is an important milestone in the process, and we look forward to working through the next steps of the negotiations phase.”

As part of the next phase, financial services firm Ernst & Young will assist the BRA and the City with an independent financial analysis to inform the negotiations process.

About the process
On March 9, 2016, the BRA, acting on behalf of the City of Boston, issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of the Winthrop Square Garage site, located at 115 Federal Street in the Boston’s Financial District. On April 21, 2016, the BRA received a range of proposals for the redevelopment of 115 Winthrop Square that contemplated towers anchored by new residences, offices, hotel rooms, retail shops, or a mix of several of these uses.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Gonna throw these back up so we can start getting used to them.

The best part is that they are going to build up and down at the same time which means once the shovels hit the dirt its on.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Here we go..
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

looks like it belongs in 1980s Los Angeles or Phoenix. It's like meh pomo with glass. city needs to throw the hammer down on the design. It's workable but it doesn't fit at all in its current incantation
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

That's the only angle it looks good from
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I know a lot of folks in the forum think the Millennium Tower is iconic, so it comes as no surprise that some of them would also think this is iconic. Either building on its own is inoffensive--no need for hyperbole about them being awful, they aren't. But the two of them together definitely make a statement about the state of Boston architecture and it's not very flattering.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

That's the only angle it looks good from

Yes, because two wide glass walls with vertical ribs on them don't look good next to each other...and in this view, one of them (e.g., 1 Franklin) is hidden.

But the two of them together definitely make a statement about the state of Boston architecture and it's not very flattering.

While I wouldn't call it "1980's Phoenix" as someone said above (c'mon, that's an extreme guys!), I would say it's a rather "bleh" statement. The 1 Franklin tower looks decent because it's unique enough on the BOS skyline - the vertical ribs glow in the sunset - the slanty-roof-thing hasn't quite been overdone yet...

I hope, as others do, that this design gets refined between now and game time (and not in the way South Station Tower did).
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I wanted Lendlease, but this is fine.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I know a lot of folks in the forum think the Millennium Tower is iconic, so it comes as no surprise that some of them would also think this is iconic. Either building on its own is inoffensive--no need for hyperbole about them being awful, they aren't. But the two of them together definitely make a statement about the state of Boston architecture and it's not very flattering.

You can thank the FAA for that. In places like say NYC you can get the height needed for return on investment, profit, and you still have plenty of height to spare. That means you can get the height you need and still have 1000-500ft to do whatever you want after that. If this had a spire, for every foot it was tall, thats a foot of usable floorspace gone. Not very economically friendly for developers.

You can make up for it with interesting design/good proportions which Accordia did, but for it to have those perfect height-wdith proportions it had that made it look balanced and taller than it was, they weren't able to recoup the loss of usable space with extra height. That means go wide or go home unfortunately. When you have a height limit like we do here the most you will really get is a slanted crown like MT did or a flat roof because that space is just a mechanical penthouse. Other than that there aren't many options. I think they are doing a good job for the constraints they have to work with.

So with this in mind they created a very detailed facade, as good of proportions as you can get for the height constraints, and they at least made the top a crown with cuts taken out of it to make it interesting. This is the unfortunate reality of the situation and we need to live with it.

Hopefully in the future we can get a tower built in the back bay or west end-doubt it, that has enough room to work with to give us a nice crown. Until then this is reality and at least its finally happening, plus we get a cool public space. This is a billion times better than the garage and I thought this was going to be dead in the water for decades more but its finally happening.

I can definitely live with this and I hope they are forced to give us an observation deck...preferably outdoors on the roof like the old wtc. I liked how they had a raised platform above the tower so they didn't need the fall protection right in front of you, and also being up above the tower gives you a better angle downwards. This would be very nice to have. Combined with an indoor restaurant/observation deck with an escalator to the roof would be incredible. This along with the public space at ground level would make this tower THE Boston icon, because of how much interaction the public would have with it. Fingers crossed.


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Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Ill make some more later on from a bunch of different angles.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Yes, because two wide glass walls with vertical ribs on them don't look good next to each other...and in this view, one of them (e.g., 1 Franklin) is hidden.

While I wouldn't call it "1980's Phoenix" as someone said above (c'mon, that's an extreme guys!), I would say it's a rather "bleh" statement. The 1 Franklin tower looks decent because it's unique enough on the BOS skyline - the vertical ribs glow in the sunset - the slanty-roof-thing hasn't quite been overdone yet...

I hope, as others do, that this design gets refined between now and game time (and not in the way South Station Tower did).

it just shows that the Back Bay skyline will continue to grow in preeminence.

And while I just blurted out Phoenix without a specific example in mind, I took a look at their buildings and GUESS what I found...built in 1976

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I know a lot of folks in the forum think the Millennium Tower is iconic, so it comes as no surprise that some of them would also think this is iconic. Either building on its own is inoffensive--no need for hyperbole about them being awful, they aren't. But the two of them together definitely make a statement about the state of Boston architecture and it's not very flattering.

I agree. The best part is the communal hall.

I understand the developer needs to check many boxes to get this done and that's always difficult with a project of this size and importance. But I hope they aspire. I hope they look forward and not backward.

They've accomplished a lot for Boston. We are grateful.

However, please don't mess with Winthrop Square itself. I believe this is the proposal that did just that. It would be a shame.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I don't see how that building looks much at all like the tower millennium is proposing. Millenniums tower uses "folded" glass to create a pleated look while that tower is going for a more concrete pinstripes look.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

So a lot of people don't like the flat roof so I was thinking of ways to stay within the height constraints keeping the same amount of floors and thought this may be a cool idea. The Boston-slant roof style is getting over used. I took the concept from hudson yards and applied it to this tower. Its a slanted roof to keep it Boston, but I gave it an off camber like the hudson yards tower, which looks extremely good on that tower IMO. Millennium if you want some more ideas call me.

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Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

it just shows that the Back Bay skyline will continue to grow in preeminence.

And while I just blurted out Phoenix without a specific example in mind, I took a look at their buildings and GUESS what I found...built in 1976


Am I missing something? Or does that look absolutely nothing like the proposal?
