Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

I'm surprised they got picked right after we found out how shoddy a job they did in SF. Who knows if they'll even still be viable by the time they settle all the lawsuits that are sure to be coming.

It sounds like theyre blaming it on salesforce, so it may be them playing out the insurance money or who ever is the actual contractor.

I thought Salesforce Tower was Boston Properties, not Millennium. No?
Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

if you look at page 52 from the Millennium presentation found here (sorry dont know how to post pics):
they are showing pilings into bedrock. Its just a generic graphic regarding up down construction, but...

The Globe includes the following:
"The BRA’s request for proposals specifically requested an observation deck, and Millennium’s plan does not include one
This is not ok.
there also wasnt supposed to be vehicle access anywhere near Winthrop Sq.
Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

Ugh. Definitely not my first choice. I think it's totally uggo. Hope they do some redesign.
Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

This is not ok.

Well, they could theoretically add one in the next draft, though I suspect one issue is public elevators. If you're selling the top levels of your building as really expensive condos, you need to reserve separate elevator shafts for residents. That's just the nature of the market. Not to mention the fact that I doubt the people in the highest condo want a busy observation deck above their ceiling. Most famous obs. decks are in office towers (Sears, Hancock-Chicago, Hancock-Boston, Empire State, WTC).

In any case, it's up to the BRA to enforce that requirement, since they were the ones who wrote it. If they're willing to trade the Great Hall and $75 million in purchase price for the obs. deck over the objections of the 3 residents who will write to complain, they can :).
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Every tower goes through many changes, the millennium design has already changed from the first proposal. Expect this to change some more, and hopefully one of those changes is the observation deck. Having the great hall and observation deck would be amazing. Somehow I think they should make an indoor/outdoor like Accordia wanted to do, outdoor obs decks are much better and we already have an indoor at the pru. They could do it like the old WTC with an obs deck or restaurant at the top floor, then take an escalator onto the roof where you are on an elevated walkway on top of the tower and have unobstructed views that also dont need glass or huge fences. I think that would be pretty badass and they wouldnt have to modify the design at all.

Odurandia: If Tosh33 is you on the globe article you need to chill out. You need to realize that your opinion is just that and it is not the end all be all. Ending it with "we suck" was ridiculous also, how many times does it have to be explained that Boston is not about high rises. They are here but that is not what makes this city great. Relax and learn to appreciate what is happening right now. You have no idea how lucky we are to even be getting half of what is being built right now. You just keep wanting more more more even though were in the biggest boom in history. Take a chill pill bro itll be alright.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Regarding the decision, great news. I'm glad they were picked, and the the design will progress just like 1 Franklin did after it got approved.

Odurandia is Tosh333, and to him/her, I say "I hate you." You are worse than a million NIMBYS and you ruin every website that you catch on to.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

The PDF says this will go down to bedrock and it also says it will be up-down construction so we wont be waiting 5 years for them to dig a hole like 1 Dalton. Cant wait.

Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

Well, they could theoretically add one in the next draft, though I suspect one issue is public elevators. If you're selling the top levels of your building as really expensive condos, you need to reserve separate elevator shafts for residents. That's just the nature of the market. Not to mention the fact that I doubt the people in the highest condo want a busy observation deck above their ceiling. Most famous obs. decks are in office towers (Sears, Hancock-Chicago, Hancock-Boston, Empire State, WTC).

In any case, it's up to the BRA to enforce that requirement, since they were the ones who wrote it. If they're willing to trade the Great Hall and $75 million in purchase price for the obs. deck over the objections of the 3 residents who will write to complain, they can :).

Your post actually has an interesting typo that underlines my point about the observation deck. You listed Hancock for Boston. It's actually Prudential. The Hancock observatory, a city-mandated observatory as part of the terms of the Hancock's construction, was closed after 9/11 and never reopened despite the agreement that the building operate a public observatory and the city turns a blind eye. Millennium is doing this exact thing.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I'm happy with this decision if for no other reason than I have no doubt Millennium will have this under construction before any of the rest of them would have.

also I'm relieved they didn't pick Trinity, HYM, or Trans National.
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Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Every tower goes through many changes, the millennium design has already changed from the first proposal. Expect this to change some more, and hopefully one of those changes is the observation deck. Having the great hall and observation deck would be amazing. Somehow I think they should make an indoor/outdoor like Accordia wanted to do, outdoor obs decks are much better and we already have an indoor at the pru. They could do it like the old WTC with an obs deck or restaurant at the top floor, then take an escalator onto the roof where you are on an elevated walkway on top of the tower and have unobstructed views that also dont need glass or huge fences. I think that would be pretty badass and they wouldnt have to modify the design at all.

Odurandia: If Tosh33 is you on the globe article you need to chill out. You need to realize that your opinion is just that and it is not the end all be all. Ending it with "we suck" was ridiculous also, how many times does it have to be explained that Boston is not about high rises. They are here but that is not what makes this city great. Relax and learn to appreciate what is happening right now. You have no idea how lucky we are to even be getting half of what is being built right now. You just keep wanting more more more even though were in the biggest boom in history. Take a chill pill bro itll be alright.

Seriously? Don't read what the guy has to say. He doesn't like the design .
Biggest Boom in History" More like the biggest Ponzi scheme in history by low record interest rates and money printing press scheme for the last 8 years.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

As far as developers go, you can't go wrong. I also have absolute faith that they will shell out the $51mil after they make the sales. I wonder if that happens after $51mil in P&S is obtained or if they gradually shell lumps as they come in.

Does anyone know if the BRA would issue a payment deadline to pony up the $51mil if, say, the market really goes south in the next 3-5 years?
Re: Millennium Tapped for Winthrop Square Tower

Your post actually has an interesting typo that underlines my point about the observation deck. You listed Hancock for Boston. It's actually Prudential. The Hancock observatory, a city-mandated observatory as part of the terms of the Hancock's construction, was closed after 9/11 and never reopened despite the agreement that the building operate a public observatory and the city turns a blind eye. Millennium is doing this exact thing.

You're not wrong, but it wasn't a typo. I meant Hancock, and I know it's closed. I was just illustrating my point...
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I'm happy with this decision if for no other reason than I have no doubt Millennium will have this under construction before any of the rest of them would have.

also I'm relieved they didn't pick Trinity, HYM, or Trans National.

Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

I really hope Millennium tinkers with the design a bit.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Not a huge fan of the design, but it's also not bad. I'd love to see some tweaks to make it a bit more dynamic.

Millenium has a good track record and they offered a ton of money, which I think obviously factored in.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Not really surprised they picked Millennium. While not the best design proposal, MT and MP played a huge role in the decision. Hopefully they start construction asap. Can't wait to see another crane reaching for the skies.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

FWIW, I notice that we're back in the old thread, but the address is now 115 Federal, the name Trans National Place is no longer relevant, and this is really a whole different proposal.

Can the thread be renamed to "Wintrop Square Tower | 115 Federal Street | Financial District" or something?
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

If I'm reading this right, we'll have the actual construction starting in August of next year, correct?
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

Doubling this. Millennium has a proven track record of getting projects done in this city.
Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2

This location is almost perfectly aligned with the Pru and Hancock. This will become a prefect extention of the high spine into the center of downtown. The MT that was just built is off center so it looks huge from cambridge/storrow, but from the south part of the city it disappears until around south bay center. The Pru and Hancock dominate from both sides, and this will do the same. This is going to be 750' which is a foot taller than the Pru and a little shorter than the Hancock, both have flat roofs. I think that this will honestly just "fit" into Boston. It will be the 3rd peak in the spine (1 dalton is off center) and although its a flat roof it has a kings crown shape to the top which looks good. I think this is going to be a hit. The cladding is also much more intricate that it leads you to believe at first. This is in no way just a glass box it has a window shade effect to the facade that opens up towards the bottom and a mix of materials, shapes, and colors. It also appears to have gold striping in the cuts that when they get hit with the light shine bright gold. Add that to the fact that it literally has a crown, which they would have to be crazy not to light, and this will be the new king of downtown and maybe even Boston as a whole. What better way for the new King to reign supreme over downtown than when it actually has a crown?

It appears lit here....fingers crossed.

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