Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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It should begin to rocket up quick soon. They also probably got the glass shipment in, and decided to put the glaziers to work, rather than have the glass just sit around collecting dirt.

Or to get the podium winterized to use as trailer space for trades over the winter. Glass, temp heat, temp power. Good work space.
It should begin to rocket up quick soon.

This is what I have been saying for months. In fact, this is what I have been saying about the overall skyline for years. At some point you have to ask the same question that a trippy 80's band called The Smiths once did: How soon is now?

Sticking to the 80's theme, I swear that (major) development here reminds me of that hallway scene from The Poltergeist.
I walked by about two hours ago, several panels of glass had been installed on the second and third floors on the Franklin/Washington corner.

Edit: Oh, I see someone's already mentioned that :)
Thanks for the picture! I really think this well be an amazing transformation for this stretch at night.
I think it's going to be a transformation for the whole downtown if not for the whole city! And yes, cool pic!
I had an awful headache and I didn't even notice the glazing when I left work today. I will try to get some pictures on my way in tomorrow morning. The curtain wall is the key to this building's success.
Walking by it looked like the podium is done and the main tower floor plates are going up now so it looks like its moving much faster in the last 2 weeks or so
My friend Charlie took these pictures today with his cell phone

Walking by it looked like the podium is done and the main tower floor plates are going up now so it looks like its moving much faster in the last 2 weeks or so

Walking past tonight, I saw the HVAC infrastructure--the long aluminum canisters--was already installed in the lower levels. This project continues to rocket along--regardless of the fact it hasn't gotten very "vertical" in the past month.
But I think that the tower portion is now on the rise and some of the façade is already being applied! :cool:
. . .

That has to be one of the fastest lead times for facade installation ever... I mean that formwork is not even two floors above the glass and there's already a decent enough chunk of it up for us to judge the living shit out of it (yaaaay!)
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That has to be one of the fastest lead times for facade installation ever... I mean that formwork is not even two floors above the glass and there's already a decent enough chunk of it up for us to judge the living shit out of it (yaaaay!)

First impression -- Franklin and Washington is going to be a very impressive corner... The glass is really going to work.
. . .

That has to be one of the fastest lead times for facade installation ever... I mean that formwork is not even two floors above the glass and there's already a decent enough chunk of it up for us to judge the living shit out of it (yaaaay!)

This is the benefit of CIP concrete construction.

Also, from this morning... The glazing is just beautiful!



Glazing's amazing. Thank gaud. Can't wait to see it in person.

Thanks for the photos, guys.
I am curious if the tower glazing is going to be slightly different from the podium glazing, particularly with the 2 separate mock-ups. However, it certainly looks great so far!
I'm glad this tower passed the really important statute: "No new building shall cast a shadow on the Common or Public Garden unless the developer is a friend of Menino's"
I want to know how this will look like from the ground in various places in the city. Why are all the renderings in the air?
I want to know how this will look like from the ground in various places in the city. Why are all the renderings in the air?

Because the renderings are being released by the developer and associated parties and being used as marketing materials. It looks more majestic/sleek/whatever-the-fuck-they-are-going-for from the air and will illicit the type of positive feeling they are looking for, instead of being partially blocked by buildings in front of it on the ground.
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