Now imagine the 740 ft (possibly 790 ft counting mechanical floor) 111 Federal just to the right of it.
I'm glad this tower passed the really important statute: "No new building shall cast a shadow on the Common or Public Garden unless the developer is a friend of Menino's"
Now imagine the 740 ft (possibly 790 ft counting mechanical floor) 111 Federal just to the right of it.
I'm having trouble making out exactly where we are. I keep counting 6 floors done and it looks like they're working on the seventh, but the sixth floor seems shorter than its supposed to be, at least according to this, which indicates that the floors get shorter with the 7th floor, the first of the residential floors.
This has baffled me as well. The floors don't seem to exactly match up to that diagram. For instance, the 3rd floor above the glass is absolutely enormous, but this isn't reflected in your link. Is it possible that the diagram isn't up to date with the final plans?
The section is from the NPC from last year and is from before the Construction Docs. The sections and plans in the NPC are to show hypothetical layouts. Millennium altered the interior plans and program layout in the building since. This is a natural occurrence in the development process.
Is there a new layout available so we can understand what we are looking at here? The way I see it, it's entirely possible they're already finishing up the 2nd residential floor. Is there still a mech between the fitness center and residences?
Thanks for the photos!
I'm having trouble making out exactly where we are. I keep counting 6 floors done and it looks like they're working on the seventh, but the sixth floor seems shorter than its supposed to be, at least according to this, which indicates that the floors get shorter with the 7th floor, the first of the residential floors. This picture best shows what I mean:
Realize that the building is basically split into two sections. "city residences" and "grand residences" +penthouses. These two sections actually have separate lobbies. So I think the city residences have a lower ceiling height.