Long time lurker, took some pictures from Malden Center and one from the little noticed but large "Rivers Edge" development going toward Wellington. Not sure why Malden is able to get development that looks urban and contextual, and the high profile projects in Boston are so awkward and random.
Hydrobus -=- Rivers Edge is a classic example of Massachusetts Politics inaction [that's the correct spelling]
I was there when the whole thing started as "Telecom City" -- planned around 1995 to capitalize on the burgeoning Telecommunications Technology industry [aka the DotCom/Telecom Bubble]
The Pols from Medford, Malden and Everett got together with some small amount of Federal $ for a study of conversion of a toxic waste site [circa WWII] into a multiphase Telecommunications Industry complex which would house everything from R&D and teaching to the "Advanced Manufacturing Facility" -- goal to employ up to 10,000 people
Of course from the perspective of the 3 Mayors they didn't want any housing -- all of the 10,000 workers were either Blue collars living in the 3 communities or white collars commuting on I-93 from the burbs
The full build-out was to feature a "Telecom Blvd crossing the Malden River on a fancy bridge and some park land
Of course by the time anything substantive [except for studies] materialized the Boom/Bubble had ended /burst and so the final disposition was to sell the project to a developer who renamed it Rivers Edge and built .....

surprise --- Housing along the Medford / Malden line
No sign of the 10,000 mostly Blue Collar jobs or anything Telecom -- especially no Telecom Blvd or Bridge over the Malden River
--And Nothing has been done so far with the larger piece of land on the other side of the Malden River which is mostly in Everett -- quite possibly waiting now for Casino related support facility development?