10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport

Woman sitting opposite him is looking away and grimacing because she's ashamed of her over-the-top boyfriend.

Really, this just looks like a vignette of a bunch of 'influencers' clipped from Instagram.
Ah cool, so for you it also seems to mean "young people I don't like," got it.
I read his reply to mean he doesn't like it because instead of looking like real people, they look like what some middle-aged designer think 'hipsters' look like (hence, 'minstrel show).
Point taken Statler, and kingofsheeba, I should have read it more charitably, don't mean to get adversarial. I just start to grouse when I see the word hipster because it seems to be wielded in recent years by people who never really define it, but they know they don't like it.
What do hipsters grow into after they grow out of being a hipster?
I have never seen anyone that looks like any of those people in the render actually in Boston.

Why not have people in khakis, baggy Brooks Bros. shirts and North Face fleece, with a backwards Patriots hat?

All said, the interior of that building is fantastic.
they succumb to turning into their parents

You're probably onto something.

But will axe throwing and (ironic) shuffleboard supplant golf and tennis as the preferred recreational pastimes of boring suburbanites?
This is on the Massport Board Agenda tomorrow for "Development Agreement Execution". If Massport was capable of uploading their visual materials in less than seven months from the date of the meeting, we might be able to see some renders in there. As it is... hopefully BPDA documents will start rolling in soon.
I have never seen anyone that looks like any of those people in the render actually in Boston.

Why not have people in khakis, baggy Brooks Bros. shirts and North Face fleece, with a backwards Patriots hat?

All said, the interior of that building is fantastic.

Hahaha those are really two different types, fused together. Either way, Boston is not a city known for its fashion.

^This looks fantastic, IMO. I love the integration of the main building with the low-rise cultural space; the graceful connection between that odd-shaped island parcel and the main parcel.

This may just be the boldest piece of architecture we've seen in the Seaport thus far - I know, perhaps not saying much - but I mean this not just in terms of the aesthetic, but in terms of the scope of what it aims to accomplish by weaving together these otherwise very awkward parcels.
