100 Pier 4 | 136-146 Northern Avenue | Seaport

Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

honestly, the two renderings of the building do not seem that far off... especially seeing how in the one everyone likes the majority of the building is hidden behind the second tallest building on the pier which is yet to be built/designed.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Dear god, it's like One Marina Drive with tailfins.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Hopefully this development gets buried.

Its like they came up with the worst ideas in development history to destroy an area that had the most potential in development in the city.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

The most offensive aspect of this rendering is the pocket park out front that completely destroys the ability to create a meaningful streetwall.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

DAT bItCh bee UUUGGGleeee
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Hopefully this development gets buried.

Its like they came up with the worst ideas in development history to destroy an area that had the most potential in development in the city.
"You're welcome" -Kairos Shen
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

It is like a planning committee gave these architects a bunch of paper and asked them to develop something that was overly sterile, not flashy at all, and a overall large waste of space. And the blandest design would be featured in Bostons most important area for redevelopment. I think that we would have better results having high school students who have never taken an cad class and have little imagination design buildings. We might have better results.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Kairos Shen is a fail. Every time I read that article on Boston.com about him, I want to punch the writer in the face.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4


Slightly larger render to show off the stunning detail.

Also, my favorite HanoverCo portfolio image
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

^ I take back anything nice i have said about this building. that is horrible.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Uggh, kind of reminds me of the precast and glass crap that was going up all over midtown Atlanta 8-10 years ago. Like Spire!
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

The most offensive aspect of this rendering is the pocket park out front that completely destroys the ability to create a meaningful streetwall.

Agreed that this building is pretty bad, but the pocket park isnt the issue. Especially given the building to its right which houses both Atlantic Beer Garden and Whiskey priest, is set somewhat off the street. If anything the set back will help build a matching wall with this building. From the rendering it looks like the two buildings will be adjacent to each other.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

They'll be tearing this thing down in 30 years, and dismissing the design as a blight on the neighborhood and city.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

"We hope to be under construction with the utilities virtually immediately,” said Bill Cronin, a vice president at the Newton firm led by mall king Stephen Karp.

Karp build Krap
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Do the people building these things not understand that making something not look like shit isnt so hard?
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

We may have discovered a new architectural style here: Charles River Park Revival.
Re: New residential mid-tower set for Pier 4

Yesterday I saw a ECO drilling truck next to the Atlantic Beer Garden. Looks like they are doing some soil testing.
A barge, with a small crane on it, is moored down by Anthony's. Not sure this has anything to do with the project or it maybe a tempory mooring for the barge that was working the Tea Party Museum site. They look much the same.
