45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

I see what you mean Pats, but I think the finished product won't look anything like Skypoint. Besides the obvious color and glass differences, Skypoint looked much fatter than 45 prov. Skypoint also has an even wider base for 5 or so floors of parking if memory serves me correct.
Re: 45 Province St

Anyone watch the Celtics last night? During the 1st quarter they had a shot of the state house and moved down the skyline and got a good shot of 45 province.
Re: 45 Province St



Re: 45 Province St

I think the most important view is from the Tobin bridge, This building help fill a major gap in the skyline
Re: 45 Province St

Personally, I think the most important view is from Province St, where people will actually interact with the building.

If it looks nice to people driving through the city, bonus.
Re: 45 Province St

I saw a really great view of it from 60 state, with 1 devonshire on one side one boston place? on the other from the 16th floor. Tried taking a camera shot of it, but it came out like crap because of the reflection of the inside lights, but it was impressive view, nobody has captured that view yet, too bad.
Re: 45 Province St

Not complaining at all, but this must be the most photographed U/C building on the forum.

Keep it up, gentlemen.
Re: 45 Province St

I hate to admit it, but it is getting boring to photograph the thing! I even tried "high speed" photography in post 316 (?) to liven it up. I was doing about 70 with the top down, had to stand on the brakes while taking the picture, trying not to hit the diaper van that unexpectedly slowed in front. I think I need to come up with a new angle on this one.....
Re: 45 Province St

that shot looks so old and depressing lol, i don't know if its the rain/the buildings pictured, or what, it just does...

but hey, i like all those 5-10 story brick buildings :p
Re: 45 Province St

I hate to admit it, but it is getting boring to photograph the thing! I even tried "high speed" photography in post 316 (?) to liven it up. I was doing about 70 with the top down, had to stand on the brakes while taking the picture, trying not to hit the diaper van that unexpectedly slowed in front. I think I need to come up with a new angle on this one.....

I don't know, anymore.


I'm bored, and can't drink those blues away.


Life gets me down when there is nothing to do. "Live, or just die", that's my motto.


Maybe if I get high it might help. (I don't have red eyes for nothing.)


Stumblin down this alley...


I bet the guys in those elevators are getting high.


What's this I see? An open door to the elevators?


"Toby flight to the top, now boarding gate 2."


Toby doesn't weigh that much. No one will notice.


These elevators are pretty breezy.


Let's see what's out here.


Whoa! Are railings optional on these units?


I feel like a B-17 ball turret gunner on a Berlin bombing run.


What's over here?


That's better!


Toby could do some serious partying on that balcony!





Toby gotta split!

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Re: 45 Province St

Nice views these apartments would have.

Did you really sneek in or did someone give you the ok? Id be too worried about having an angry construction worker attacking.
Re: 45 Province St

Lemme guess: look bored/pissed off; wear a hard hat; carry a clipboard or better, a ToughBook; if anyone asks, you're a consultant.
Re: 45 Province St

That's pretty good stuff, Toby. Thanks again!
Re: 45 Province St

i was actually walking around the site today thinking about what Toby would do... apparently i was right.
Re: 45 Province St

Way to go Toby, those are some awesome pics. There are some great views from the building, it'd be great to live there. I could imagine some fun, fun parties going on in that building.
Re: 45 Province St

Lemme guess: look bored/pissed off; wear a hard hat; carry a clipboard or better, a ToughBook; if anyone asks, you're a consultant.


Ha ha. Does this Mille Miglia racing helmet look like a hard hat to you?


Achille Varzi wore similar garb when racing in the Mille Miglia! A.V. is Toby's hero. (Painting by sober Toby.)


Toby's big ears heard that there is a topping off ceremony on Friday with da Mayah, Celtics big shots, Gov., and other notables!
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