45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

Thanks much, the location is amazing. I ended up having to take the T twice to get there though. Initially I got off at DTX, then walked to the building only to realize there were baricades directly across the street from where I needed to be...so I had to get back on the T go up one stop to Park St. and arrive for the interview ten minutes late.
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Re: 45 Province St

Why should we let commerce, industry, and responsibility get in the way of someone else's good time?
Re: 45 Province St

No job=no money=no tickets=no team=no louts=job=money=ticket sales=team=louts=no job=......
Re: 45 Province St

Thanks much, the location is amazing. I ended up having to take the T twice to get there though. Initially I got off at DTX, then walked to the building only to realize there were baricades directly across the street from where I needed to be...so I had to get back on and go up one stop to Park St. so I could arrive for the interview ten minutes late.

That's no good. Sara, the lady at the desk is a sweetheart. I have some photos of this from the 7th floor of One Beacon (Census Bureau) that look nice, but yours are certainly better. Hope the interview went well.

Also, slightly off topic, but I watched about half of the Celtics game on Tuesday from Kennedy's on Province St. It's right across the street from this, and I had never been there before. It's a fun place to say the least. I'll be back without a doubt.

**Edit** Toby, that sounds like those terrible commercials for Le Cordon Bleu (I think?) where the guy is like, "I can't go to school because I have no money, I have no money because I don't have a good job, I can't get a good job because I didn't go to school, I can't go to school because..." you get it. That ad gives me the shivers.
Re: 45 Province St

Sam LaGrassa's downstairs has a killer Romanian pastrami sandwich, the best outside of NYC.

As for the formula...the economic interdependence of the elite, the effete, the street and the indiscrete.
Re: 45 Province St

Roast Beef Header on Toasted Foccacia at Cafe Vesuvius. I'm guessing this'll be put on the general section under "favorite sandwiches."
Re: 45 Province St

I know some folks are sick of this building but until others appear above the skyline.......
from 73 Tremont st from parcel 7
Re: 45 Province St

"Sam LaGrassa's downstairs has a killer Romanian pastrami sandwich, the best outside of NYC."

Never had one in NY, but the one in Sam's is incredible.
Re: 45 Province St

Let's look on the bright side. If we lived here we would spend too much time looking out the window and get nothing done. Let's not forget how much money you'll save by not throwing parties so you can show off this view.
Re: 45 Province St


I think this is a new angle -- from the Pi Alley garage, looking at the north and east facades:



Re: 45 Province St

Wow that corner glass looks stunning. The cladding overall looks above average, hopefully this will look spectacular when completed.
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Re: 45 Province St

Why didn't they name it? Anybody know? Is it because Abbey has never done residential of this scale before? I was with a group of residential real estate people and I said "my friend is very closing to purchasing at 45 Province Street" and their reaction was "is that in the North End?" thinking that it must be a brownstone or something. On the other hand, when "The Avenir" was brought up, everyone knew exactly what it was and where it was.

This is the most exciting residential building in Boston in a long, long time - it is going to be beautiful, unique and truly a fantastic little skyline addition - but to call it "45 Province Street" doesn't do it any justice at all. Even just naming it "the Province Tower" would immediately conjure images in people's minds that this is a hi-rise - something rare in Boston residential...
Re: 45 Province St

The glass is what's going to make this tower special...seeing that shot of the corner piece of the building puts a smile on my face.
Re: 45 Province St

I can see going either way with namings. I don't know whether or not it makes a difference. Or, that you can please everyone.

If someone tells me they live at "Atelier 505", I generally roll my eyes. Same is true if they say "the Ritz Towers".

If, however, they say the live at 505 Tremont St, or 2 Avery St, it sounds as if it is an address.

Less pretentious.

45 Province is high-end, but the prices are not extraordinarily high. The Clarendon, on the other hand, are.

Perhaps that has something to do with why they name certain properties?

And, the irony that someone would know where a property is, by name, but not by the street address, was not lost on me.
Re: 45 Province St

Depends. In my city, everyone knows what you mean if you say you live at Brickbottom. If you said One Fitchburg Street instead, most people would say "where's that?"
Re: 45 Province St

Haha - yeah, the irony about the address not being enough of a descriptor as where a building is makes me laugh too.

It's tough though - Province Street it tiny - maybe 5-10 buildings total, so I'm guessing the developers took a gamble that the exclusivity of the street was the name. For example if somebody says they live at "1200 Commonwealth Avenue" - non real estate people might have no idea what that is... is that in the Back Bay? A beautiful 1800s brownstone mansion? Or is it a 1960s high-rise in the BU Slums? Or something in Kenmore perhaps?

But for a little street like Province, I think it kind of works to just use the address. Still, I feel high-rise residential should be named. It should be "The" something. Even "the Province Tower" would work better than "45 Province Street" or "the Province" - worked for "the Clarendon" right?
Re: 45 Province St

I'd just say, "I live behind the big Borders with the bank vault."
Re: 45 Province St

The "promise of prestige" is a strong emotional driver for all luxury purchases and with this address you can imagine the cocktail party banter:

New Buyer: "We just bought a condo at 45 Province Street"
Stranger: (brightly) "Where's that?"
New Buyer; "It's in Downtown Crossing"
Stranger: (darkly) "Oh." as images of the DTX crowd pop into their head and the older housing stock around the fringes of the combat zone/chinatown. They think to themselves "jeez, do people really live in Downtown Crossing?"


New Buyer: "We just bought a condo at the Province Tower"
Stranger: Brightly "Oh wow! Congratulations!" - even if this stranger doesn't know where it is - he/she knows what it is - it's a "tower" that is prestigious enough to have a name instead of an address.

Things like this have a strong emotional impact on luxury purchases - from watches, to liquor, to cars and homes. People should brand and market real estate the same way you brand and market shoes or lipstick. Different industry, but the consumer behavior fundamentals remain the same.

Also, reviewing their marketing material, it bugs me that the logo stresses "45" and not "Province" - looks like they hired a very good and capable graphic designer, but passed on undertaking a more serious branding/marketing campaign. Is there any other major residential development that is known by its address? I can't think of any. This is literally the only major one I can think of. It's unusual. The Devonshire, The Ritz, Archstone Boston Common, Harbor Towers, Avenir, Vesta West End, Asteria West End, Trinity Place, the Bryant, the Clarendon, etc, etc... 45 Province Street - it just strikes me as strange - like it's down-market product when it's actually incredible and beautiful.
Re: 45 Province St

How about a hybrid name like: The Tower at 45 Province
Re: 45 Province St

^^That's a good one...how about The Residences at 45 Province? I feel like if they just call it 45 Province it will sound better. Instead of saying "I just bought a place at 45 Province Street" you could say "I just bought a place at 45 Province." If someone asks what 45 Province is, you simply say, "oh it's that new tower in downtown"
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