45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

what? why do you need photos from 3 minutes ago?
Re: 45 Province St

oh. 2.29am. heat lighting and wind.
Re: 45 Province St

No, I couldn't write a post that made sense, I guess. I was being sarcastic.

My point was, people are taking a LOT of photos of this building ...
Re: 45 Province St

^No that one was pretty obvious... You wouldn't be jealous because your not selling any of these units would you?
Re: 45 Province St

This photo was taken within 3 hrs of Jimbo's post yesterday. From the harbor:

Re: 45 Province St

Sweet angle, that building looks great....those views from the building are ridiculous. The people that get to live there are a lucky (and wealthy) group.
Re: 45 Province St

No, I couldn't write a post that made sense, I guess. I was being sarcastic.

My point was, people are taking a LOT of photos of this building ...

Cool, isn't it!
Re: 45 Province St

a couple more shots of the view ... these taken on the 22nd floor by JAKULL on flickr.com:


Re: 45 Province St

I'd give anything to be able to live there. The sad thing is that I?ll probably never make a sufficient amount of money to be able to live someplace like 45 Province. Out of all this new housing going up, downtown, in Copley Sq and in the Fens, it?s a shame that you have to be super wealthy to live there. Too bad there are hardly any ?nicer? developments that accommodate to the non-super wealthy.
Re: 45 Province St

Thats why I live in Dot! wish I could afford to live downtown!
Re: 45 Province St

I'd give anything to be able to live there. The sad thing is that I?ll probably never make a sufficient amount of money to be able to live someplace like 45 Province. Out of all this new housing going up, downtown, in Copley Sq and in the Fens, it?s a shame that you have to be super wealthy to live there. Too bad there are hardly any ?nicer? developments that accommodate to the non-super wealthy.

You'd think some developer would get the picture and capitalize on a middle class market somehow and build a semi-affordable living space in Boston without devaluing the area surrounding it. I didn't know there were this many millionares living in Boston. All of the recent projects I've seen have all included luxury condos with 5% or so of them considered "affordable". Are there any plans in Boston to provide semi-affordable living?
Re: 45 Province St

There is a cap on the possible number of millionaires in the city at any given time. (in the sense that not everyone can be a millionaire).

Theoretically, if the supply of houses for that class outweighs the demand, the prices on some units (should) fall, thus creating more middle class housing.

Why this hasn't happened yet I have no idea.
Re: 45 Province St

You'd think some developer would get the picture and capitalize on a middle class market somehow and build a semi-affordable living space in Boston without devaluing the area surrounding it. I didn't know there were this many millionares living in Boston. All of the recent projects I've seen have all included luxury condos with 5% or so of them considered "affordable". Are there any plans in Boston to provide semi-affordable living?

Why build middle class housing when you can make more money quicker on luxury condos? That economics for ya. The fact is land prices are far too high for middle class housing to make sense in the city unless it is subsidized, and given the demand for luxury that doesn't seem likely.

Also, most middle class housing that is being built in Boston is going up by individual or small developers in the suburbs of Dorchester, Brighton, etc. There is a market there and land prices aren't as ridiculous.
Re: 45 Province St

Wouldn't a "Radiant City" have high-priced high-rises in the center, then lower-priced housing further out? Isn't this what we have?

Look at the Ritz Carlton Towers, 45 Province, and The Clarendon. Land costs the most here because it is in city-center.

Look at The Carruth and the Schoohouse at Lower Mills - both were supposed to be condos, but turned rental because the market wouldn't support them, otherwise.

Seems like things have worked according to "plan".
Re: 45 Province St

Its been hours, maybe even days since weve had an update....

Re: 45 Province St

Wow, I love the presence from that vantage point in the skyline. Thanks for the picture.

I have been living outside Boston for a month or so now, and I can't wait to get back (but even when i *was* living there (year round with 1 summer exception for the past 5 years), I didn't have much time to walk around recently due to overwhelming school work.

I can't wait to be done with it all...
Re: 45 Province St


Slack jawed yokels crowd the streets after the Celtics parade.


Zeppelins buzz the local real estate.


"Das ist nicht ein mooring mast, Herr Kapitan!"


Eppy shows his Celtic pride atop 45 Province.
Re: 45 Province St

Managed to snap this pic today during a job interview while the Celtics parade was going on.

And a snap of the parade going by

Re: 45 Province St

Good luck with the job interview. One Beacon (or is it just "one") is a handy location!
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