
Ran across this interesting one from circa 1983. Look at all those parking lots.


I actually I miss it....
man, there is a TON of still undeveloped space. Ground level photos mask the vastness of it.
South Boston this morning

I love this picture and I quoted it onto skyscrapercity. I hope that is alright. I put it here:

It's actually a comparison shot to this one in Montreal:

And actually, it's because we're comparing THAT shot to San Francisco, so it's more like saying "hey, this part of Boston looks like San Francisco!" So yeah, please let me know if this is not OK. You'll see that I quoted you and linked you at the bottom as well. Also, just wondering, how did you get this shot?
Oh sure, no problem at all! Thanks for asking, and for the link.
That shot was simply from a window seat on the way into Logan. I was intending to get some skyline photos on this approach, but I'd forgotten how you're practically on the ground before you get a good view of that, at least when you're sitting behind the wing.
Wow! You were on a plane with brand new windows? Usually they're scratched all to hell.
