Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

Does anyone know anything about these apartment buildings just downhill? They're kinda like an early version of an ugly building, but Im kinda drawn to them. I guess they're technically art deco?


DropBox link to full resolution .PDF: CommonwealthAve Original Elevations.pdf?dl=0
^That's really cool - thanks - where did you find that?

Also - welcome!
Hyperactive would be at least interesting. This is boring and lazy design.

^^does anyone know the address or name of the project directly above with various colored claddings?

.....Exactly what did the activists accomplish here? Nothing has been improved, only time, money, and energy have been wasted. This particular case isn't that important as only one unit was lost but what of the projects that get reduced by 40, 50 units? That's eighty or so people who won't have homes because they will never get built. This is something to celebrate? I guess to the self-absorbed, traffic-fearing, on-street parking entitled neighborhood organizations it is because they unfailingly behave this way every time.

fantastic post.
That used to be a twin of the 1960 brick pile next door, but it burnt down back in the 1970's. When I lived in Oak Square it was a weird concrete and steel skeleton that was repurposed as a landscaping company's yard.

The new building seems to be trying to hard. Was it a new architect's first commission?
That used to be a twin of the 1960 brick pile next door, but it burnt down back in the 1970's. When I lived in Oak Square it was a weird concrete and steel skeleton that was repurposed as a landscaping company's yard.

The new building seems to be trying to hard. Was it a new architect's first commission?

I would hope a new architect would be a little more creative. It is one of those typical fit-as-much-as-you-can-in-the-space designs we see so much of these days.
So Allston-Brighton is getting the same box corner treatment as East Boston. Yawn.
That used to be a twin of the 1960 brick pile next door, but it burnt down back in the 1970's. When I lived in Oak Square it was a weird concrete and steel skeleton that was repurposed as a landscaping company's yard.

No kidding... so THAT's what was going on there. I lived around the corner from it for five years and always wondered what was up with those neglected retaining walls. Thanks for this bit of info.
