Re: Assembly Square Redevelopment
Thats not a true TOD , its a half assed attempt at one... These projects Give TOD a bad name...
Why do you say that? I'd say that TOD means different things in different places and that their plan is good enough to be at #2 on this spectrum:
1) Suburban / Commuter Rail TOD
2) Close-in TOD (brownfields and streetcar suburbs...which this is)
3) Urban TOD (as at Fan Pier / Seaport or at Lechmere/Northpoint)
..and because this TOD fits its sight (and its "close-in-but-not-downtown" location), I'd say its good enough to not give TOD a bad name.
Examples of "Type 1" Suburban / CR TOD are:
Wickford Junction
Old Colony Square
or Winnetka, Illinois:
Any of these would be totally lame if you built them at Assembly Row or Lechmere, but they give TOD an OK name for where they are.
Similarly, I'd say that Assembly Row is a fine/sufficient example of "Type 2" of something close-in but not urban, which has to mix park-and-ride and drive-to-office commuters in with the car-free residents/workers. In this it is like Cambridge near Alewife or
Station Landing (one stop
to the north on the Orange Line)
I don't think this site can be expected (initially) to be a fully-urban "Type 3" and have the kind of almost-no-parking that TOD can have at a place like
Northpoint (Lechmere) which really is fully-urban and is planned with almost no parking.
On the Green Line Extension thread, I'm the first guy to accuse Somerville of not doing enough to encourage/ plan for "tall" TOD (and car-free) along the GLX, but at Assembly Row, they're going about as dense & car-free as the site demands.