Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End



I love that it still has 10-11 more floors to go before topping out.
I thought this was 42 stories...

EDIT: Nevermind, you're correct. I just just checked, 38 stories + mechanical... 415 feet.

Still, it's soaring! :)
I thought this was 42 stories...

EDIT: Nevermind, you're correct. I just just checked, 38 stories + mechanical... 415 feet.

Still, it's soaring! :)

Good news, the 38 stories is right, but it's 415' to there, and 449' to mech!
This is coming together better than I had hoped... thus far. Regardless, I am quite happy that it shouldn't be alone on the skyline for long.
You get a nice view of this one from certain taxiways at Logan since there is nothing else of any height besides for the Longfellow towers in the area.
This is coming together better than I had hoped... thus far. Regardless, I am quite happy that it shouldn't be alone on the skyline for long.

I agree. For a white precast, kinda stumpy, tower with an above ground parking garage, this is looking surprisingly good so far.
... kinda stumpy...

I dunno, with 100 feet more to go I'd say this tower rises above 'kinda stumpy'. I'm excited it's gonna break 400 feet. The cluster of 400+ to 600+ foot towers around North Station in the next 5-10 years are going to have an undeniable impact regionally for commuters taking the Tobin and 93 south into the city.
Yea I just meant because of the way the backside kind of widens it out a lot its a little stumpy but its not bad its turning out really good. The front on angle is not stumpy at all. If you would have told me all of the aspects of this with no renderings I would have been worried but this is pleasantly surprising.

On a side note from the front of the garden this creates a nice step up effect from the tip o'neill building, it almost looks like 3 buildings there. When the td garden podium is built it also nicely steps up along causeway from the tip o'neill, so both of these developments are tying into the area nicely.
I flew out of Logan this evening and from across the Harbor this really pops. Stumpy it is not.
