Avalon North Station | Nashua Street Residences | West End

I find myself cheering the building on to keep going taller when I'm staring at it from my desk at work... Then I think of what's coming at the Gov't Center Garage...

I'm okay with this building just being a background building - I'm more upset about what's going in next to it.
The topping off ceremony yesterday resulted in the emplacement of a massive U.S. flag which, given last night's weather, was pretty unkempt this morning.
I feel like this is the shortest 450" building I've ever seen. Maybe it's just the angles or the fact the glass isn't done yet to give it that rising effect. Maybe it's just the massing of this thing.
This is only 415' to highest occupied floor which is what is considered topped out. Just like with Millennium a pretty substantial utility penthouse/screen makes up the rest of the height.

Edit: also looking at the webcam the very top residential floors still aren't actually finished being framed so this topping out was just ceremonial there is still a lot of work left.
Just curious, will the skin of the building, where the construction elevator now is, be glass or precast? From looking at the renderings, it sure looks like it will be glass. Sure hope it's an extension of the glass.
Yesterday they began adding more pieces beyond the top off's reach. Perhaps ~20ft worth of them? ...look like an erector set...
When all this development is completed, no one will recognize the old Garden area.
Which will make the seemingly inexplicable longevity/persistence of the "Lone Building" all the more poignant and remarkable?
Based on what I've seen so far, I think it's safe to say that, in a few weeks, when Avalon North Station assumes its final appearance, it will exude impeccable branding conformity with Avalon 45 Stuart St., aka Avalon Jacob Wirth's.

Which is to say, completely and blissfully unburdened with a smidgen of soul, character, or passion. 100% generic, sterile, tower 'o' box. A paradigm of personality-free aesthetics.

Speaking of Avalon Jacob Wirth's, I think the lobby contours, which I just studied for the first time the other day, are absolutely bizarre. Cavernous, and not in a good way. Alienating and unnerving in its vast, cold, blank surfaces:


Sorry for the brief thread derailment; rant over.
Which is to say, completely and blissfully unburdened with a smidgen of soul, character, or passion. 100% generic, sterile, tower 'o' box. A paradigm of personality-free aesthetics.

Is this not the formula to attract as many people as possible to your property? Offend no one, let them make their statement with their Ikea Kitchen or Stickly Dining room table?

This is america. These buildings are repositories for peoples individualism. No one want to buy someones else's vision.

Move on. It has happened and will continue to happen.

