Berklee Expansion Plans | Back Bay

Ron quite few churches including the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, New Old South Church, and Kings Chapel never had steeples or spires-- even though they have towers or Campanile

Steeples were a status symbol, the skyscrapers of their day. Many churches couldn't afford to finish their buildings. Or some burned down/blew over.
Steeples were a status symbol, the skyscrapers of their day. Many churches couldn't afford to finish their buildings. Or some burned down/blew over.

Steeples and spires only were part of the Gohic tradition and later the British style of Christorpher Wren: St. St. James Piccadilly, St. Clement Danes, etc., and by James Gibbs' 1721 the iconic St. Martin in the Fields

No steeples or spires were needed for -- Churches that emulated Greek temples, the Pantheon, or were part of the Romanesque tradition or most of the northern Italian Renaisance
True but the Greeks and Romans (later Italians) didn't have the technology to build tall buildings.

Side note: there are Italian villages where there are early masonry "skyscrapers" that were built buy wealthy families both for protection and to show off.
had dinner accross the st last nite
so happy this building is gone!
Am I seeing the first picture wrong or is that scaffolding holding up a couple of tons of steel above a sidewalk?
Am I seeing the first picture wrong or is that scaffolding holding up a couple of tons of steel above a sidewalk?

My guess is there is an obligatory sign to the effect that the pedestrian should be on the otherside of the street -- the girders seem to be a "lintel" to somesort of gate for access to the site

But as an aside -- while it looks kind of questionable-- a few tons of steel girders can easily be supported by a few hundred pounds of pipe-scaffolds

Take a paper tube used for paper towels and you can stack quite a pile of books -- just don't kink the collumn
My guess is that the beam was part of the building and they are waiting till they need bigger equipment on the site. They get charged for the cost of delivery and return of the equipment and while it's there so no since in having it sit idle after removing the beam.
Someone throw a rock at it and see what happens
My guess is that the beam was part of the building and they are waiting till they need bigger equipment on the site. They get charged for the cost of delivery and return of the equipment and while it's there so no since in having it sit idle after removing the beam.

Paul -- Huh? am i reading you to suggest that its a remnant?

The beam is sitting on the edge of the street -- suspended in the air

how did it get there? -- certainly if it was part of what they are removing -- it would have been back further from the sreet. No one would move it a few feet and then suspend it.

No it has to play a roll either during the construction or its being installed permanently in that position -- too far foward and almost outside the footprint of the building

My guess is it somehow will be used during the construction proces to support something
Paul -- Huh? am i reading you to suggest that its a remnant?

The beam is sitting on the edge of the street -- suspended in the air

how did it get there? -- certainly if it was part of what they are removing -- it would have been back further from the sreet. No one would move it a few feet and then suspend it.

No it has to play a roll either during the construction or its being installed permanently in that position -- too far foward and almost outside the footprint of the building

My guess is it somehow will be used during the construction proces to support something

Support something like perhaps maybe more scaffolding? (once the building gets vertical?)
I said it was only a guess. Do we know for certain that it is a metal beam.
I asked a worker and he said it was to minimize vibrations in the scaffolding.







Just got back to the office from the Berklee school's groundbreaking today for the dorm and tech tower. Nice event and great weather. Even the Mayor showed up to campaign. I guess they're calling it 160 Mass Ave now. No pics but I expect it will be in the media this week.
Unbeknownst to everyone else, Rep. Walz was actually shoveling dirt INTO the pit.

