Boston Properties Office Tower | 888 Boylston Street | Back Bay

What if the Millennium Tower just finished the stores and then capped the building at 6-7 stories? Many of you would still be fully satisfied, because you got your activation back. Every one of you who said "+1000" or whatever, you'd have to be totally A-OK with this, otherwise you'd be talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Same thing with North Station. The podium looks great, so I take it a solid 50% of you would be totally fine capping that at 6 stories, throwing the tower plans in the trash can, and calling it a day. Right? Right?!?!

Well it's not an apples to apples comparison. As I mentioned above, I am almost positive there are height limits on this parcel in particular because it's directly on a turnpike it actually can't go any higher. The option is nothing or this (the max). I personally think this is far better than that plaza.
I'm a little bit confused, DZH. Your primary complaint in the original post was that this project will be blocking the view towards the Pru and 111 but you're also now arguing that something bigger and better should go here? Isn't this a contradiction or are you basically saying that if the view is to be sacrifice, then it should be sacrificed for something better.

If the latter, I do agree that this building would look much better taller but that's about it. The plaza imo wasn't that great and the only loss is the view towards the Pru but I think the current proposal is a sufficient tradeoff for it, especially since it fills out the streetwall going down Boylston.
I'm a little bit confused, DZH. Your primary complaint in the original post was that this project will be blocking the view towards the Pru and 111 but you're also now arguing that something bigger and better should go here? Isn't this a contradiction or are you basically saying that if the view is to be sacrifice, then it should be sacrificed for something better.

I can absolutely see where the confusion would come in. Honestly, I am predisposed to hate this building's guts, although the end result might (mildly) surprise me.

The game changed when posters accused me of being completely skyline oriented, street level be damned. They are semi-right at the moment, only because the street level is already so superior while the skyline has been lagging for years. (although, I still care about street level, just not with the same fervor) However, my argument became a challenge thrown back at those critics. Mainly, that if some of these new announced giant towers were scrapped, while only the (street activating) bases remained, that they would be hypocrits if they didn't still back the plans. (ie North Station pedestal, without any towers on top now or in the future)

The argument definitely (d)evolved into something that doesn't quite belong on this thread. It just so happens that it started with me criticizing this building and snowballed from there.
DZH, one thing you're not taking into account is that this site is NOT "downtown", it's Back Bay, and the Back Bay NIMBYs aka NABB are probably the fiercest in the city. There's just about no chance in hell they'd allow anything taller than what we're getting, and considering it's a good deal taller--around 50%--than what was approved in the Pru's master plan I say be happy we're getting what we're getting. (How Boston Properties did it is beyond me, but it's a frickin miracle).
DZH, one thing you're not taking into account is that this site is NOT "downtown", it's Back Bay, and the Back Bay NIMBYs aka NABB are probably the fiercest in the city. There's just about no chance in hell they'd allow anything taller than what we're getting, and considering it's a good deal taller--around 50%--than what was approved in the Pru's master plan I say be happy we're getting what we're getting. (How Boston Properties did it is beyond me, but it's a frickin miracle).

I actually don't want something taller here. I really don't want anything here at all. Maybe it might look cool as part of the street wall or something. I don't know. It's just an up close view that I'm particularly fond of. It's not even like I live there either. So I guess I'm more of a NIPFY (Not in Pru's Front Yard) than anything. Nothing I can do. Ranting over.... for now.
On the flipside, at street level, we already have the best city in the country, bar none. I'm just hoping the skyline catches up. I probably average 20 miles walking through the city every weekend, and each walk is inherently unique and open-ended. Very few cities allow pedestrians such an infinite playground. For instance, leave the main street in Atlanta at your own risk!

Basically, at street level, I probably know this city better than 90% of you, and I can definitely see the positive impact much of this infill is having. I can also see that the bigger a project is allowed to be built, the better the quality we tend to get. For instance, Atlantic Wharf is an absolute gem. This building will probably be VE'ed into another piece of garbage.

But yes, I do care about the skyline, and that's my prerogative. You know what else I care about in this city? I care about the sports teams. I have no affiliation to them, and I'm not going to walk into work after the Patriots win and get a raise/bonus for it, or anything like that. But I care. For me, the Filenes tower is the equivalent of Adam Vinatieri's kick splitting the uprights against the Rams. It's a big deal. I'm sure many of you don't like sports, and don't care about another Superbowl or even that the Sox broke their "curse" in 2004. That's your right, but don't try to rain on my parade!!! If you can't appreciate tall buildings in the few areas they are appropriate, go move somewhere that doesn't have any! Of course, most European cities no longer qualify since they are all (skyscraper) booming over there, but Washington DC beckons. It's everything you want in a city, and it's right down 95!

Some of us love Boston and the Patriots as much as you do (and some of us are even Moderators on ;) ).

That being said, the fault of you losing the view of the bottom of the Pru is actually the Pru's! Yes, the Pru is responsible for that. If it was built at the street instead of aloof in the middle of a vast plaza away from any street, there would not be a problem now. In fact, that reality should be proof that, despite being a 50+ floor tower, the Pru is actually ANTI-urban. It doesn't engage the street at all. It says "oooh, don't touch me". It is a relic from the 1960's when America had nothing but disdain for its cities.

Blame the Pru!
Is there a section anywhere out there of the pru complex? as they have started digging up the plaza I realize I have absolutely no idea where the highway sits vs parking garages and fill.
What was that hollow area being used for before?
Is there a section anywhere out there of the pru complex? as they have started digging up the plaza I realize I have absolutely no idea where the highway sits vs parking garages and fill.

If you look on google maps, you can trace a line from where it goes under the Pru to where it emerges after Back Bay. Only low-rise retail (and the Hynes) is built on this portion, with the towers all skirting the edge. The highway runs more under the food court than this site, although part of the new building will be over the WB lanes.

Judging by the green paint on the columns, I'd venture a guess that the space inside is the parking garage?
Is there a section anywhere out there of the pru complex? as they have started digging up the plaza I realize I have absolutely no idea where the highway sits vs parking garages and fill.

My Evolution of the Prudential Center thread knows and sees all. Behold! (and ignore the color bubbles...they were ideas from a 1980s plan for how to expand the complex)

datadyne007 -- great shot from the Skywalk!

Boy, that sure looks like a space where a building ought to be! (and will be soon!)

Thanks. That's what really struck me too when viewing it from above. It's amazing how there was never a building there when you look at the footprint from above. It was begging for a building.

Also, if you're interested in seeing the rest of the pix from the Skywalk, check out the whole Boston 2014 album.
From above (Skywalk):

888 Boyslton from Pru
by datadyne007, on Flickr

See that silver SUV making the lefthand turn from Gloucester onto Boylston? THAT'S ME!!! FOR REALZ!!! Data and I had just texted each other after this pic was taken and I'd just made that turn. I was wondering if you'd captured me, but I just needed a closer look. #archbostoncommunity
Lol I had no idea. Just snapped a random photo in the proximity of your office and said "I see you."
