Boston Properties Office Tower | 888 Boylston Street | Back Bay

Last I heard it was a bee hive colony...thing I don't know what they're called.
Highlighting the wind patterns of the site, a series of stainless steel woven light columns define the plaza. Wind vains rotate on the light columns and signal the intensity of wind with changing color that indicate greater and lesser intensity, turning the plaza into a living wind diagram. All the lighting is powered by wind turbines that define the top of the Prudential Tower and highlight the sustainable nature of this project

I like it -- they are doing something useful with the wind -- telling us how windy it is where we are

The next innovation -- LED lit sticks with solar panels on the top giving a real-time plot of the evolving "shadows" and "daylighting" of the site
This is already taller than I expected to see. How far up left to go?
This is already taller than I expected to see. How far up left to go?
It's going to be 17 floors, so it looks like the core has only a couple more floors to go.
I think the core has a floor left. I'm curious how much of the height will be due to rooftop elements.

This is a fun construction site to watch from across the street.
From the Huntington Ave ped bridge

RIP Prudential Food Court

Entrance to Boylston St reopened; started walking down the Boylston Street arcade, expecting to be disappointed in myself for forgetting that they had closed it, then being less surprised when I remembered the closure was listed only until the beginning of July.

Narrow corridor just wide enough for 2 people walking shoulder-to-shoulder. They've basically just left the centre steps in place and put up scaffolding; there's a branch off the hall for access to the lift around the back of the staircase.



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I've updated the image urls to take advantage of Imgur's regex options - happier with the sizes? Could've asked a little more nicely...
^I was dumbfounded for a minute when I realized that the Pru is actually just out of frame here, instead of being photoshopped out. It really highlights the distance between it and this project, which I don't think one would expect when you see them from Boylston.
^I was dumbfounded for a minute when I realized that the Pru is actually just out of frame here, instead of being photoshopped out. It really highlights the distance between it and this project, which I don't think one would expect when you see them from Boylston.

To put that an other way, this building highlights just how far from the the street the Pru tower is.
This one's already fun to look at, with those big steel V shapes:


