Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End


Back to the actual construction project. This is a picture inside of the garage where work is underway.

This is a good account to track progress on this project


Edit: Sorry for the size of the pic. I just took it directly from Twitter. Hopefully the ArchBoston users still stuck with dial up won't click on this page.
Stalinesque without towers:


Stalinesque with towers:

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There is nothing about it that is Stalinesque. Its a boxy building with punched windows. Yeah, so is nearly every building in the city.
There is nothing about it that is Stalinesque. Its a boxy building with punched windows. Yeah, so is nearly every building in the city.

MDD -- Exactly -- to be Stalinesque what is needed is the realtive scale of the building [particularly the entrance] to the even giant human:
people small and interchangeable / repaceable
Government BIG, Dominant and Persistent -- dare we say Immortal?

For Exmples:


Albany NY -- Empire Plaza [mexcluding the delightfully playfully Richardsonian Romanesque late 19th C State Capital Building]

Bucharest Romania

Nothing remotely like these in the Bulfinch Triangle

Back to the actual construction project. This is a picture inside of the garage where work is underway.

This is a good account to track progress on this project


Edit: Sorry for the size of the pic. I just took it directly from Twitter. Hopefully the ArchBoston users still stuck with dial up won't click on this page.

Ah, we were on topic for about 5 hours. Back to the usual.
Government BIG, Dominant and Persistent -- dare we say Immortal?

As if capitalism hasn't attempted to do this...Sears Tower, errr....Chrysler Building, mmmhmmm...

History presents many examples of the humbling of those who build excessive monuments to themselves.

And all the while, as you've said, this development has nothing to do with any of that. It's not particularly self-congratulatory. It's just a decent looking mixed-use campus of more-interesting-than-average buildings. I'm excited.
As if capitalism hasn't attempted to do this...Sears Tower, errr....Chrysler Building, mmmhmmm...

History presents many examples of the humbling of those who build excessive monuments to themselves.

And all the while, as you've said, this development has nothing to do with any of that. It's not particularly self-congratulatory. It's just a decent looking mixed-use campus of more-interesting-than-average buildings. I'm excited.

BigPicture -- Of Course there is a bit of Ramses in anyone who builds and wants it for the ages

But we should all remember the poets comment about Ramses [Ozymandias to the Ancient Greeks]
Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias"

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.[4]

just another more poetic form of "sic transit gloria mundi"

And yet despite earth quakes and people -- the Pantheon still stands nearly as it was
BigPicture -- Of Course there is a bit of Ramses in anyone who builds and wants it for the ages

But we should all remember the poets comment about Ramses [Ozymandias to the Ancient Greeks]

just another more poetic form of "sic transit gloria mundi"

And yet despite earth quakes and people -- the Pantheon still stands nearly as it was

Ozymandias is also the name of perhaps the single greatest episode TV has ever produced.
As we are dredging up long-dead English poets, I will add another: T. S. Eliot. In Eliot's notes to his poem, The Wasteland, he references the Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City Churches.

A church commission had studied the consolidation of parishes in the City [old London] and identified, as a consequence of consolidation, nineteen churches to be turned to rubble. This was in 1920.

Online book can be found here:

Just turning to the first of the 19, All Hallows on Lombard St.:
> Foundation laid before the [Norman] Conquest.
> Apparently burned in the Great London Fire.
> 'Present' church designed and built by Sir. Christopher Wren.

Demolition was fiercely opposed, but in 1937, the church was declared to be unsafe and taken down. If it had remained standing, the Luftwaffe would have done the deed several years later.

Without architectural patrimony, where are you as a culture?

We now return you to your regular programming.
i'd love to know when the 547' resident tower is scheduled to begin rising....

*(pretty sure it will be 547')
Amazing how one word (Stalinesque), casually tossed out two pages back, could cause such a massive derailment!
Amazing how one word (Stalinesque), casually tossed out two pages back, could cause such a massive derailment!

Atlantaden -- If we channel Monty Python -- there was an episode where saying one particular word [could easily have been Staineque] triggered a response ... which could be paraphrased as "Nobody expects the NKVD" or the Spanish Inquisition -- your choice -- torture was about the same

Now in keeping with the Python theme -- "and now for something completely different"....By the way -- any update on the status of the construction / destruction at the garage
[QUOTEBy the way -- any update on the status of the construction / destruction at the garage[/QUOTE]

Nothing visable from the outside. Only internal demo at this time.
putting up a real stinker in 3... 2... 1....

frames of what? the crane? or for the site excavation?

Are they retrofitting drilling equipment inside the Garage?

as many smart people here can see; i'm well behind the curve here. :)
