Columbus Ave Student Housing | 10 Burke St | Northeastern University

If I'm looking at this correctly, is this the core of the shorter tower?

The elevators are centrally located in the taller tower. The shorter tower has no elevator core. There is only a small stair core in the shorter tower. The rooms in the shorter tower are accessed via connector bridge from the taller tower, where the elevators are located.


This one's going to be quite visible from way up Columbus Ave


Most definitely! With another ~50 feet to go, this one'll definitely stand tall!
The elevators are centrally located in the taller tower. The shorter tower has no elevator core. There is only a small stair core in the shorter tower. The rooms in the shorter tower are accessed via connector bridge from the taller tower, where the elevators are located.


Ahhh gotcha, thanks!
The core absolutely dominates from Columbus ave. Pretty striking how well placed towers can have this big of an impact even with out mega height. This picture is taken heading towards Mass ave on Columbus.

^ This is going to be a very visible building down the Columbus Avenue corridor. You can prominently see the core from Charles Street South at Park Square (more distant view as above).
Take him for ballast chief. Missing fewer floors than Julie Hall, and getting warmer. Still holding to the theory this one and Julie should have gone Harry Agganis/super-dorm/ insanely massive (for the future needed dorm space).
Constricted site, essentially infill. Now that NU owns the Punters Pub triangle I wonder when that site will be redeveloped for housing?
^^^From Arlington? I thought I noticed this, but tough to confirm anything based on night views, which is all I've been getting from there lately.

EDIT: I saw your 1 Dalton pics which confirmed that it's Arlington.
i like it. very good ballast. somewhat well planned for the future. almost. just missing those last 5 or 10 floors @ Harry Agganis scale. inching ever closer to proper planning, in any case. Boston could cover some the costs (taxes) of the empty floors in lieu of the future population influx.... then, tax at the higher rate once those spaces are filled.

give it a B+ ? misses an A- because were running low on quality sites on Campus.
