Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

If fashion is a way to go then we should get some of Bostons schools involved, like MassArt. DTX is already turning into a college zone with Emerson and Suffolk creeping in, why not turn it into a full fledged incubator?
I understand Law firms and Financial firms are good tenants. The problem is every skyscraper in the city is full of law firms and financial firms. The city has no other core sectors of diversity. How can Boston really grow from just Law Firms and Financial firms? Somebody should ask this question at the next BRA meeting.

I see a solution. More lawsuits.
Don't forget, the SB water front and Fort Point area have some good bars and popular ones at that. Lucky's, Drink and the Atlantic Beer Garden are all very popular.
I?m just sick of the financial district that consists of LAW FIRMS and FINANCIAL FIRMS.

I know, what kind of financial district consists of financial firms!?

Guys, I'm sorry, but there are some industries you just can't have in a relatively provincial city, especially one with New York just down the road. Fashion requires concentrations of talent and wealth that are only possible in places like NY, Tokyo, and Paris. Even Milan is a sort of legacy exception that's been losing its cachet.

And, btw, Boston punches above its weight, considering its situation, because of its status as a (second tier, but still somewhat important) financial center. It's why we can have some nice things, if not all.
todays drive by
It's not really surprising at all that Boston is loaded with financial firms. Boston is after all one of the largest and most important fiancial cities in all of North America. Along with New York, Chicago and San Francisco, are the big 4 in the U.S.
It's not really surprising at all that Boston is loaded with financial firms. Boston is after all one of the largest and most important fiancial cities in all of North America. Along with New York, Chicago and San Francisco, are the big 4 in the U.S.
Not Charlotte, huh?

(Bank of America HQ and Wachovia HQ)
It's not really surprising at all that Boston is loaded with financial firms. Boston is after all one of the largest and most important fiancial cities in all of North America. Along with New York, Chicago and San Francisco, are the big 4 in the U.S.

LA and Miami?
Who says a large skyline is required to be a financial powerhouse? How many skyscrapers are in Switzerland?
I know some people on Wall St. who would vomit their cocaine laughing at this statement.

I guess I didn't phrase it clear enough. I was just referring to the Wells Fargo group (specifically, the Wachovia subsidiary) being HQed in Charlotte, not the industry as a whole.

my whole post was just fixing a minor technicality stemming from ablarc's post.
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Walking around Boston
Boston Financial District is fallling apart. It's not getting better.
The Backbay seems to be fine.

I would rather walk around in Cambridge, Somerville than Boston.
