Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

^wonderful definition! You're a great teacher! I hope you go and become a professor of architecture and get tenure!
Wow, Armpits! I was only going to thank BeeLine for his outstanding and voluntary contributions to this forum, but you've really gone above and beyond!
I'd also note that on the pike eastbound in brighton (right before WGBH/NB) there is a billboard advertising Liberty 22 (formerly the billboard vandalized to call God the other white meat)
where is the pnf? How are they already doing site prep without a single rendering released?
where is the pnf? How are they already doing site prep without a single rendering released?

This was a completely secretive project by Fallon. No PNF was released nor was a single render. The contract documents were produced entirely in secret. It's a neat building. You'll just have to wait and see. =P
Is that even legal though? I just can't imagine something big in Boston being built with zero public input.
Did Fan Pier A + B (Vertex) have a PNF? I don't think they did either. I think Fallon was able to avert the public process because nothing about the buildings changed from the previously approved Fan Pier Master Plan...
I think Fallon was able to avert the public process because nothing about the buildings changed from the previously approved Fan Pier Master Plan...

I'm pretty sure data has it right, although you'd probably have to take a detailed look at article 80 to be sure.
I think it looks very good, 10 Fan Pier especially.

Does anyone know the timetable for 10 FP and the Harbor Shore Dr buildings?
Meh. In regards to the broken record above.

The architecture may scream office park (just on the tall side), but that density is a far cry from 128.

That and office parks don't regularly contain residences, a hotel maybe on the corner, but not apartments and/or condos.
The city should ask Fallon to pony up some $$$ to help construct a Mono-Rail from Fan Pier to across the bridge back to the city for the pedistrians.
A little office park by the city. It could have been worse I guess..

This is pretty much just showing Fan Pier at full build, which is why it looks like a little island of tallish office parky type buildings (although in reality there will be residences, hotels, and there already is a substantial amount of ground floor retail and restaurants - so, actually nothing like an office park)

What you need to think about is that this "island" you see will be connected by Seaport Square, Pier 4, and everything else going on to the Convention Center, Fort Point, and, via D Street, down to Old Southie. So far the Seaport is developing in isolated clusters, but with all the projects on the go suddenly that won't be the case for long.
hahaha please tell me your serious. Any other poster I would know its a joke, but you (rifle) could be 100% serious... cue it up...
It's like our very own Jersey City to NYC.
I was going to call that harsh, but then I remembered that they did a "Southie" "reality show" just like Jersey Shore. So why not compare SBW to Jersey.

I did have dinner on the Jersey side of the river (some mall with a Ruth's Chris and a Hennigan's ( I ate at the latter.)) And, I must say, the view across the river to the Manhattan skyline at night is something else.
I was going to call that harsh, but then I remembered that they did a "Southie" "reality show" just like Jersey Shore. So why not compare SBW to Jersey.

I did have dinner on the Jersey side of the river (some mall with a Ruth's Chris and a Hennigan's ( I ate at the latter.)) And, I must say, the view across the river to the Manhattan skyline at night is something else.

The Chart House in Weehawken, NJ is a similar experience.
