Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

Are there any plans for the Northern Ave Bridge that would involve auto traffic? The bridge looks pretty run down to me.

I've heard there are plans afoot to convert the bridge back to vehicular and pedestrian use. As I understand, some advocates are proposing raising the middle portion and adding ramps (to meet navigability requirements) and others are proposing a restoration and full operation for navigability.

I am not aware of a current effort to proceed with a demolition.

Demolition plans were under way a decade ago as was legislated by Moakley and demolition was supported by City Hall, but the City didn't have funds to proceed, estimated at nearly $10M.

Other efforts at redevelopment including a full process of securing RFP's and months of public meetings have moved forward in fits and starts. A winner of a redevelopment proposal was selected by the BRA 10 years ago and that was the last I heard.
I've heard there are plans afoot to convert the bridge back to vehicular and pedestrian use. As I understand, some advocates are proposing raising the middle portion and adding ramps (to meet navigability requirements) and others are proposing a restoration and full operation for navigability.

I am not aware of a current effort to proceed with a demolition.

Demolition plans were under way a decade ago as was legislated by Moakley and demolition was supported by City Hall, but the City didn't have funds to proceed, estimated at nearly $10M.

Other efforts at redevelopment including a full process of securing RFP's and months of public meetings have moved forward in fits and starts. A winner of a redevelopment proposal was selected by the BRA 10 years ago and that was the last I heard.

Really? Last I heard about the Northern Ave bride it was going to be a pedestrian bridge covered in foliage...
I've always assumed it will be re-opened to traffic some day. There is no way a Federal court house will be located at the end of a dead-end street. Too inconvenient for the judges and lawyers.

I hope one lane is keep open for pedestrians.
I've always assumed it will be re-opened to traffic some day. There is no way a Federal court house will be located at the end of a dead-end street. Too inconvenient for the judges and lawyers.

I hope one lane is keep open for pedestrians.

This is the latest I've heard about it.
I went on a tour of the Harborwalk during the winter w/ the BRA. They said one side will be traffic (side currently closed) and the other harbor-facing part will be for pedestrians.
^seems reasonable. Although, I'd prefer a dilapidated park filled with hot-dog vendors and homeless people asking for money.
Those planters are ugly as shit in person. Whoever decided on those should rethink some things.
Those planters are ugly as shit in person. Whoever decided on those should rethink some things.

I always wonder how these people get contracts. Patronage I suppose. Or else no one else bids but people with horrible taste.
I think it's in Everett

Technically it's Charlestown. But yes, it's across the Mystic from Sullivan Sq, and thus cast away and deemed "Everett." I find the municipal border interesting here, so I always point it out. I can't really figure out the reasoning for it.
Technically it's Charlestown. But yes, it's across the Mystic from Sullivan Sq, and thus cast away and deemed "Everett." I find the municipal border interesting here, so I always point it out. I can't really figure out the reasoning for it.

I always assumed the border had something to do with the power plant. Like Boston annexed the land around the power plant to secure one of the city's main energy sources or something.
The one thing I like the Park Lane complex is that the building has various heights so it kind of breaks up the monotony in height.
