Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

Any updates? Sorry lol

Here ya go:


Decking steel has been installed over the inbound Yawkey platform. This extends west to the stairs at Beacon Street and east to the station's elevator towers.

A facade sampler is also up just to west of the intersection of Maitland, Overland, and Ortiz. It's not pretty...
A facade sampler is also up just to west of the intersection of Maitland, Overland, and Ortiz. It's not pretty...

Like regular level aB hatred of all facade mock ups, or lower than the low bar The Architectural Team normally sets on every shit they drop on the city?
Like regular level aB hatred of all facade mock ups, or lower than the low bar The Architectural Team normally sets on every shit they drop on the city?

I'd love to see a picture. But my expectations for a TAT building are not high. They must have a great price point given the amount of work (and fairly high profile, with the Raffles Hotel) that we are seeing from them.
These photos are fake news. You can't trick me this project is never breaking ground
^^ Yeah, a lot of folks here going to be eating crow on this project. (Myself included)
Nobody is eating crow until the tower portion starts rising. The first 2 buildings were eventually expected to happen, and are being built on solid ground. The 300'+ tower that requires decking was always the long-shot here.
Seems like you guys are getting ahead of yourselves, the phase on terra firma is going forward. I really doubt the decked phase will
Isn't this Phase I like a humongo parking garage or something?

Edit: No it is not. Garage is in Phase II.
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