Gables Seaport (née Waterside Place 1B) | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Waterside 1a; pedestrian urban ballast.

a much prettier Sheraton North Tower.
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Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

there is a stack of chain link fencing on the site now. i'd wager this breaks ground by end of Feb
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Work ongoing at the site is for SBWTC enabling. WSPII will not start until the Massport work has been completed.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

This is gonna look great. More density, more density, more density. The seaport is chugging along forwards at a pretty steady rate and each development gets better than the last and at this point the last is really good in itself.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

This may be a premature bump, but something new is going on at this site. No site fence or office, but an very large earth mover, potty john , and some new stakes. They seem to be digging along the eastern face of the Silverline station.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I don't see anything new at the site except that someone is changing the front right tire of a white Fiat 500 Abarth in the middle of the lot.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

^^^ He was fixing a flat tire.

This is the first time I have seen heavy equipment (earth moving kind) on the site. The stakes give me hope that they will actually get moving on this project. I have been assuming that they have been waiting for the garages completion. Fingers crossed.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

This may be a premature bump, but something new is going on at this site. No site fence or office, but an very large earth mover, potty john , and some new stakes. They seem to be digging along the eastern face of the Silverline station.

Thats the most complete picture I've seen of the garage. Is this completed structurally, I mean besides the fins and stuff? Its pretty cool that you can see the ramp too that will connect to this building in the future. Nice before and after too.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Just an update....I walked by this site today. Construction fencing is up and there is a large "Suffolk" construction sign on the fencing.

This seems to be poised to get started.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Heavy excavation has begun as of today, 1/23/2018.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Heavy excavation has begun as of today, 1/23/2018.

Kudos to them for being committed to the schedule. One heck of a crappy day to do heavy work.
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Amazingly, this is 8th residential building currently under construction in Seaport.
To go along with a hotel and 2 office buildings...
Re: Waterside Place 1B | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

i used to know this guy at UCSD who worked out a lot. he had a modest~good build, but these absolutely humongous calves.

increase the population by 150M people, barely build any housing for 30 years, then, your academic institutions hook up with capitalism to create an asston of jobs, stuff like this inevitably happens. Menino and Walsh presided over the transformation from a little city into a little city with crazy huge calf muscles and real big city feel at its base.
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