PLEASE WRITE A LETTER about the current Community Path exentension (CPX) design!
Completion of the GLX/CPX design from Washington St. to Lechmere is projected for Fall 2014 (in about 6 months). And we have just one chance in our lifetimes to work on the CPX design, so please help “get it right” this time around!
Read _our_ comment letter here, with lots of pictures:
See MassDOT's 3D motion rendering of the CPX along GLX here:
DRAFT LETTER BELOW - Please personalize your letter, add at least a sentence or two (and save in your files for future letters), etc. -- real people read these letters!
Comments on Community Path (CPX) design
To the GLX Team:
I am writing to thank you for integrating design and construction of the CPX with the Green Line extension (GLX), and also to request that the GLX project:
1) Capitalize on available expertise and local creativity by:
- Assigning expert bike/ped planning staff to the CPX Team
- Creating a CPX Design Advisory Committee comprised of local experts in bike/ped planning and engineering
- Sponsoring a CPX design charrette with this CPX Advisory Committee, followed by a public design charrette
2) Allow options for the CPX and Grand Junction Path (GJP) near North Point and Twin Cities
3) Maximize CPX safety and user-friendliness by:
- Adding several safe rest bulb-outs with benches, on each side of CPX along the viaduct.
- Replacing concrete GLX sound walls just south of Cross St. Bridge with clear UV-stabilized acrylic that can be cleaned of graffiti.
- Ensuring safe bike/ped intersections through signage (yield/stop signs), ground stencils, and mirrors
- Moving light poles outside/above the CPX to prevent collision.
- Replacing Bollards at at-grade CPX crossings with painted Signs/Striping/Rumble Strips, etc. to minimize bollard injury risk to CPX users
- Moving CPX fences the outer border of the right-of-way (or further, with easements), and designing some kind of artistic fencing, especially along the viaduct
4) Create a “Greening the Green Line” sub-Committee of the GLX Working group, to make the GLX even more environmentally friendly, through:
- Opportunities for community gardens, trees, vegetation
- Conducting a formal count of trees to be taken down due to rebuilding the GLX-corridor retaining walls, followed by early replacement tree plantings along/near the corridor and around Somerville
- Procurement of environmentally-friendly materials
Thank you,