Millennium (Hayward) Place | 580 Washington Street | Downtown

Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

was out of my normal routine today and walked by this. It really does wonders just filling in the space walking up washington street. The precast brick is pretty terrible, but I hope they use quality glass, and given that this will be the residences they should, I think that will over shadow it. The fanning of the building as you walk up is a nice touch and eventually you will turn the corner and have the new filenes tower fill out the view.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Here are a few quick shots from Tuesday and Wednesday. The windows for the glass corners that jut out are starting to be put in place on Avenue de Lafayette.





Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I feel like those windows are a bit on the dark side?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I don't mind. It may come to have a sort of Tudor darkness reminiscent of a lot of 17th century Boston architecture.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place


reminds me of the siding on the triple deckers in east boston and revere. just need some wrought iron fencing and a virgin mary statue in front of it.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I really like the glass. Reminds me a little bit of a hotel development going up in NYC right now...


Incidentally, that is the nicest I have ever seen Millennium Place look in those pictures.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I walked by this today and I like the dark glass. I think it looks nice and a lot less cheap compared to what's going on across the street at the other Millennium Place buildings.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

A few from Tuesday




Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I want the apartment that faces the Paramount sign. I hate darkness.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

Looks like some kind of shitty college student center at this stage.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I don't understand why they skimped on the brick so much. Its such a minor component of the design, and the windows appear to be of high quality, and I assume the interior fixtures will be as well, so what gives? Is there THAT much of a price difference between these pre-cast panels and hiring an actual mason for such a small amount of brick? I would imagine they could even have done the prefab panels above the 5th floor or so to save costs and no one would notice.

On the other hand, does anyone know the logistics of why they went with concrete instead of steel?
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

I'm thinking the brick panels will look a lot better once they've been exposed to the elements (weather, car exhaust etc) for a few years.
Re: Millennium Place III | Hayward Place

"On the other hand, does anyone know the logistics of why they went with concrete instead of steel?"

In luxury housing construction acoustic separation is a big selling point. Not hearing the neighbors, mechanical equipment, fluid in pipes, air circulating through vents, outside noise, etc is essential to the set which wants the excitement of the city but the silence of a private estate in the country.

That and the spoiled brat kids can throw raves with hookers and blow and not draw attention to themselves. That might otherwise embarrass the family.
