Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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So if they're already working on the 2nd of 3, then conceivably this thing could be out of the ground by the end of next month. Fingers crossed!
The Burnham actually has a 4th basement level that is only under a portion. Level 3 was larger, and then levels 1 & 2 extended under the previous full built out.

I'd have to guess level 4B will still exist under a portion of the Burnham.









Nice to see the 'ugly side' of the Burnham getting some love.
So did everyone get new cameras this weekend, or is it just the beautiful weather making everything look great and super sharp?

Anyways, thanks guys for all the updates across the board.
So did everyone get new cameras this weekend, or is it just the beautiful weather making everything look great and super sharp?.

Ha, it's the weather. Days where 1) I have the day off and 2) it's a perfect blue sky with just a cloud or two are good days indeed. Seems every day I had free in the last month or so the skies were mostly cloudy, and I hate taking pics on those days. So as far as I'm concerned Saturday was me making up for lost time.
Wait a second.... when the heck did they put up that second crane? Do the cranes aid in the construction of the subterranean levels, or do they sit idle until this gets out of the ground?

Nice to see visible progress on this. Thank you for all of the updates kz.
Wait a second.... when the heck did they put up that second crane? Do the cranes aid in the construction of the subterranean levels, or do they sit idle until this gets out of the ground?

Nice to see visible progress on this. Thank you for all of the updates kz.

The second crane was up on May 6. I think it may have gone up the weekend of May 3-4. I took a photo, but never posted it.

The second crane was up on May 6. I think it may have gone up the weekend of May 3-4. I took a photo, but never posted it.


The crane went up that weekend. I walked by the morning of the 4th for the walk for hunger and they were lifting the arm of the crane into place.
The crane went up that weekend. I walked by the morning of the 4th for the walk for hunger and they were lifting the arm of the crane into place.

Hah, then I walked right by it too as I limped my way back to State after the Walk for Hunger. Must have been in too much pain to notice, including the day after, as I work right across the street lol!
Do the cranes aid in the construction of the subterranean levels, or do they sit idle until this gets out of the ground?

The cranes are active nearly all day every day hoisting materials off of trucks down into the pit
Seeing the pics from Saturday (thanks kz1000ps!) now I understand the parade of concrete mixers on Franklin Street this morning. Another basement level deck is being poured!
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