Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Pardon my construction ignorance- is the scaffolding seen above supporting the forms for the first above-ground floor?
^^^^ My question exactly. I hope this thing is finally moving above ground.

The core has been out of the ground for 3-4 weeks, with more scaffolding/forms slowly but surely joining it. It's especially apparent from the Hawley Street side, due to the downward slant of Franklin.

It does look like the entirety of the hole is finally filled in, so once this pesky podium is built (3 floors?) the tower should start blasting skyward.

I think by Summer 2015 this is going to make a huge difference to the downtown skyline.
By Summer 2016 CSC is going to make as big an impact on Back Bay.
Then by Summer 2017 we're going to have the North Station and Copley Towers adding mass to both respective halves of the skyline.

Very exciting times indeed!
Yup, from my firsthand perspective it sure as hell looked like the beginnings of concrete formwork. Hawley Street, your days of seeing sky light are numbered!
Pardon my construction ignorance- is the scaffolding seen above supporting the forms for the first above-ground floor?

Yes ..this is the beginning of the installation of the shoring for the forms of the second floor slab.

Excellent. I can't wait to start seeing this rise above ground. Thank you all for your answers.

To some extent, I still can't believe this is happening.
Yes ..this is the beginning of the installation of the shoring for the forms of the second floor slab.


OK -- there are now 2 huge lifting towers (those with the blue beam structures). Will there soon be a THIRD one on the Summer Street end of the project now that the floor there is up to ground level?
OK -- there are now 2 huge lifting towers (those with the blue beam structures). Will there soon be a THIRD one on the Summer Street end of the project now that the floor there is up to ground level?

No idea. I have no connection to the project nor the contractor. Lets just wait and see.

Might be an obvious question, but will they be cleaning up the streets in and around this project? Repaving, new street lights and rebuilding the sidewalks?
Might be an obvious question, but will they be cleaning up the streets in and around this project? Repaving, new street lights and rebuilding the sidewalks?

Yes, including turning Washington & Franklin into a possible woonerf, where the street & sidewalk become one with no curb:

Yes, including turning Washington & Franklin into a possible woonerf, where the street & sidewalk become one with no curb:


This is a must. It has seemed ridiculous to me for some time that there should be a distinct raised sidewalk through an area that is basically restricted to pedestrians. It would be much more comfortable if there was one continuous surface.
This is a must. It has seemed ridiculous to me for some time that there should be a distinct raised sidewalk through an area that is basically restricted to pedestrians. It would be much more comfortable if there was one continuous surface.

I spoke to the landscape architect about this at the BRA approval meeting and she expressed that this is their design intent without using the term woonerf. I suggested she look it up and become familiar with the term because it is what is needed here.
I spoke to the landscape architect about this at the BRA approval meeting and she expressed that this is their design intent without using the term woonerf. I suggested she look it up and become familiar with the term because it is what is needed here.

This won't open up to general automobile traffic, will it?
I like the idea but the biggest drawback to this plan is that we are all basically assholes.
Palmer Street is set up this way in Harvard Square, and it works fine. Open to all traffic but it's rarely used because there are so many pedestrians. Cars filter through at an idle, if at all. Granted Palmer is basically an alley, but its still a decent local example.
This won't open up to general automobile traffic, will it?

They wished they could close it to all traffic, but that didn't seem reasonable, so they said Franklin would likely remain restricted commercial access only.
They wished they could close it to all traffic, but that didn't seem reasonable, so they said Franklin would likely remain restricted commercial access only.

Okay. As long as they don't open it up to general anybody, anytime auto-traffic.
This is a must. It has seemed ridiculous to me for some time that there should be a distinct raised sidewalk through an area that is basically restricted to pedestrians. It would be much more comfortable if there was one continuous surface.

I spoke to the landscape architect about this at the BRA approval meeting and she expressed that this is their design intent without using the term woonerf. I suggested she look it up and become familiar with the term because it is what is needed here.

Summer and Winter streets through Downtown Crossing (from Tremont St in the NW to Hawley St in the SE) are already like this.
There is a lot of general traffic using Franklin St already where it says "taxis and commercial vehicles only". With the entrance to the hotel being located here, it's only going to get worse unless they can use some kind of retractable bollards at Washington St.
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