Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Parking in central Boston belongs underground. Above ground structures to "store cars", at the price of Boston real estate, make no economic sense.

And yet somehow AvalonBay determined it makes perfect economic sense a couple blocks down at 45 Stuart. All valet cars take an elevator up to the parking garage.
from Sullivan Sq looks like the chimney will always dominate the skyline from this view
I don't think the people who have enough money for these condos are worried about how much they are paying to park a car if they have one.
And yet somehow AvalonBay determined it makes perfect economic sense a couple blocks down at 45 Stuart. All valet cars take an elevator up to the parking garage.

Those "few blocks" make a huge difference in the value of the land. There are still open air parking lots near 45 Stuart. (In fact 45 Stuart was one.)
Today I counted 19 floors up to the protective grill. I can no longer see into that, so I don't know if they've got 2 or 3 floors built behind the grill. But they're somewhere in the low 20s, past the one-third mark on number of floors and zooming towards the halfway mark. As the base floors have much higher ceilings than residential floors, they're even closer to halfway on total height.

I noticed this morning that several floors are already visible from the corner of Harrison and Hayward Place, sticking up above Lafayette Place. It is going to be hugely noticeable as the floors continue to increase, and will make that view above the atrocity at ground level so much nicer.


Thanks for all the great photos today goldenretrievers! You had a busy Sunday here. We appreciate it.
I just noticed some of those windows are open so this is likely to have more dimension to the facade than previously expected because if the windows can open then that will break up the facade some. I'm curious how this will end up looking when the tower is finished, and if I am actually seeing open windows.
I just noticed some of those windows are open so this is likely to have more dimension to the facade than previously expected because if the windows can open then that will break up the facade some. I'm curious how this will end up looking when the tower is finished, and if I am actually seeing open windows.

You are seeing open windows. I haven't been able to discern the pattern, if there is one, but some percentage of them tilt out at the base. Probably blocked at about the tilt you see in the pics above, for safety reasons. They snug down when closed in such a way that I can't see any reveal that shows which are operable, which not, even when I look at windows at the same level as my office is at. When I look down at lower completed floors from my floor in 101 Arch, if the light is just right, I can just make out the operating mechanism. But I doubt those can be seen from ground level, too small.

I think the impression the open windows create is fine. Adds some subtle randomness to an otherwise uniform façade.

If I'm paying that much for a condo, I'd sure like the option to catch a fresh breeze when the weather's nice. Even if that small opening won't have much area to catch breezes, the farther up you go, the windier it'll be.
There must have been a significant crane jump over the weekend. One could see the top of the crane conspicuously poking out of the skyline approaching the Sumner Tunnel exit on Route 1A this morning.
I would say they added 3 or 4 sections, and an additional support fixture (at floor 22 or 23) to the crane on saturday.
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