Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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For what its worth, one of the entries on defines a penthouse as "any specially designed apartment on an upper floor, especially the top floor, of a building." So, I guess they are playing within the rules.
I saw MT glinting in the sunlight this morning in the red line. Most of the mechanicals are now enclosed with glass. It looked beautiful- the crown really pulls it together.

On a skyline aesthetics level, at the very least, I personally feel we are quite fortunate to have this tower.
Its just the very top floors its not exactly surprising they are marketing the three floors with significantly larger units as penthouses with one full floor penthouse unit at the very top. The plans on the website make it clear that the penthouse units are all much larger than the other units in the building.

How is it shady marketing. Out of the 100s of total units only about 18 are being marketed as penthouses and they have branded the full floor penthouse a grand penthouse to show that it is another step up. It is a little ridiculous and it is clearly more of a marketing scheme than anything else but it is not that shady. Not anymore so than claiming your building provides top of the line luxury finishes and the best service possible, which almost every luxury building does claim.

It is clearly exaggeration or hype, if not shady. Basic marketing overreach.

Buildings used to have THE PENTHOUSE. Now this one has a GRAND PENTHOUSE plus 18 Penthouses. People used to live in The Penthouse. Now they live in one of the many penthouses. It devalues the entire concept.
The 18 number includes the Grand penthouse but it doesn't really matter. The truth is they can market it however they want and most people won't even set foot inside one so it doesn't matter what it is called. I don't understand why people are so annoyed about something that has no bearing on how 90% of people will live their lives.
While it looks great, I'm not very hopeful the top/crown is going to be lit up in any dramatic way at night - if at all. Which is a huge bummer.
^looks awesome. It's amazing the difference now that the glass is up on the crown.
This looks great, hopefully this is an eye opener to the Nimby's that Boston can do height the right way.
I have a lot more photos but photbucket is being an asshole today and wont save or download nothing!
Third from the bottom of the pics there shows great contrast between the Stalinist drabness of Tremont on the Common and the sleek sexitude of Millennium Tower. Bucharest, 1965, and Boston, [soon-to-be] 2016, walking side-by-side into the sunset in Downtown Crossing...
I'm going to be interested to see what they do on the back-side of the mechanical screen. From most angles, it is covered up but I noticed you can see into it from the south (as the picture shows below).
I'd love to see that crown glowing a soft blue at night, or a contrasty soft orange. I doubt either will happen, however!
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