Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Anybody want to play "guess when the crane is gone?" If the weather holds, I would guess it is disassembled by Jan. 15.
This building would still be an 8 even in NYC, where it wouldn't stand out at all. In Boston it's a 9+, and would be a 9+ in most cities. In Montreal, Vancouver, Portland (OR), Baltimore, San Diego, and a host of other cities, it would be a 10. This is as nice looking of a residential tower as I have seen anywhere.

Agreed. I'd give a lower rating in larger cities such as NYC and Chicago, as well as smaller cities with larger skylines like Atlanta because they would be outshined by any of the better designed spired or crowned towers in addition to any towers with well designed set backs that gives a slimming and thus taller effect. A slanted roof is great and all in Boston since we tend to normally get flat roofed towers but it's a laziest alternative to that.
The chameleon as I inched my way into Boston around 4 pm it kept changing!

Boston -- Your recent series from the Public Garden are absolutely unique in terms of potential for [ foreground object] / with MT in the background

The soldiers and Sailors monument and George would be perfect something you can't really do with 200 Clarendon St.
^ thanks I just need to get out of my car and take some reals pics instead of when Im sitting in traffic!
The subtle shift from reflective to clear glass at the top is a nice move. It is this buildings version of a cap. Nice.

The crown looks like boring garbage that the architects mailed in, but the rest of the building is quite nice.
Anybody here know when its supposed to be taken down? Last time I read about it, it was a temporary art piece that was going to be taken down mid November..

I like public art, but this is kinda strange..
.....On the top this, they should have a statue of a Falcon.. It will be called the Millennium Falcon... (Sorry, had to get in a bad joke in).

Somebody had a similar joke in mind. From the gingerbread competition within the free architectural exhibit in Atlantic Wharf, 12/20. Tons of actual MT pics to come!

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