Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part V (2012)

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what is photoshop? should we be useing it? It keeps being mention?

It's a photo editor (like the program Paint, but on steroids * 34059854).

It tends to go at a steep price, but the program GIMP is almost like it, and is free. Personally, I think you're better off using Flickr and then using their built-in editor to adjust the shading and coloration. GIMP and Photoshop is what you would use if you wanted to fake a picture of Bush and Obama making out while jumping out of a plane. Not something I need to do every day, so I don't bother with it.
Poor Blackstone Block, unmoored from the rest of the city by yet another massive plaza. Yes, it's covered in grass, but still.
Really cool shot, kz.

The way the view is framed by the black poles, and its various layers of surrealistically conflicting blocks/buildings, make you think the guy is sitting in front of a massive highway billboard or painting.
Really cool shot, kz.

The way the view is framed by the black poles, and its various layers of surrealistically conflicting blocks/buildings, make you think the guy is sitting in front of a massive highway billboard or painting.

Itch -- the expansive and pervasive slap in the face of the city delivered by Boston City Hell is most apparent in this view
Love those Coast Guard medevacs, and that last pic is sublime!

Can I use this as a FaceBook "cover" pic?!

Awesome, amazing stuff as usual. I love these raw little moments of the city you catch in your photos. The thing I love about them is that they're not of scenes or people or careful compositions of cityscapes; but instead they capture those little magic moments one experiences when they're walking through the city and look up or over or around or down and see a place in a certain way or in a certain light, or see something framed in a totally interesting way, that could only be seen right there in that place at that time. I'd love to take all the photos you've posted here and put them in one big tome.
I agree. There's this incredible intuition in his photography, which he often cites as just randomly shooting.
Loaded some up from a couple months ago, feeling nostalgic, love Exchange Place too.




Awesome, amazing stuff as usual. I love these raw little moments of the city you catch in your photos. The thing I love about them is that they're not of scenes or people or careful compositions of cityscapes; but instead they capture those little magic moments one experiences when they're walking through the city and look up or over or around or down and see a place in a certain way or in a certain light, or see something framed in a totally interesting way, that could only be seen right there in that place at that time. I'd love to take all the photos you've posted here and put them in one big tome.
thanks thats the best comment I've ever gotten,and ur right I don't plan any pixs just want folks to see what I see in my daily travels around this great old city!
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