Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part V (2012)

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Have had the opportunity to explore the waterfront a bit lately, while we usually just stick to our favorite (familiar) parts of the City. Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like this is the up-and-coming neighborhood in intown Boston? Seems to be the whole side of the street near ICA is poised for development, and both last weekend and with Navy week this weekend it was swarming with activity and nightlife too. Pretty cool views from the bridge over to the World Trade Center too.
I noticed new bike lanes on this (Moakley) bridge, too -- maybe to discourage bikes from mixing with pedestrians on the nearby Old Northern Ave. bridge.
Here's that bridge in Allston...I've never felt entirely safe on it.


A few years ago there was a nasty bicycle-car accident at the foot of the North Allston end of this bridge. I don't remember the exact details, but I now try to slow way down after descending that ramp and before crossing onto Franklin Street.
The spire looks neat lit up with the red, white and blue. Just too bad that they still haven't lit the bottom of the damn thing!
Wow this is one of the most amazing things I've seen in a while: I popped into my room after the final Sox-Yanks game and did a legitimate double-take out my that fireworks? Am I halucinating? Waitaminute...that's the moon!



I was very lucky to have caught it, for it only took the moon about four minutes to move behind those trees. But wow, what a display!
And here's another rare sighting -- a freaking Bugatti Veyron! The best/fastest/most-likely-to-kill-your-mother car in the world, chilling like it ain't no thang in front of the Mandarin Oriental:


Try your best to ignore the crass graffiti...and the standpipe:


And of course what else zips by right then? Not one, but TWO Nissan GT-Rs. It was one of those days I tell ya:


I've been in Boston for over 7 years now, and never have I seen so much rarified hardware in one day, let alone one minute. If I didn't know any better I'd say Boylston's trying to give the Sunset Strip a run for its money.

EDIT: I just googled Black & White car rentals and of course they're based out of Beverly Hills, which makes me wonder: how in the hell did the car end up way over here?
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I just googled Black & White car rentals and of course they're based out of Beverly Hills, which makes me wonder: how in the hell did the car end up way over here?
A couple months ago I saw a Ferrari and a Lamborghini parked back to back in front of the Mandarin. They must coordinate high-end car rentals out of the hotel or something.
the moon was great that nite, perfect location,for some reason my camera could not focus on it?
anyone else have that problem? I usally can get a good pix of the moon from from my front yard in the city >
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Frickin love that final pic!!! Trippy, cartoonish Pru!

I love them all actually.
Boston02124, the moon looks decently bright to our eyes but to most cameras' light sensors it's barely a blip on the radar. I almost always have to turn the auto-focus off and do it manually to get a crisp shot. Oh and there are some fantastic shots there! I'm glad someone else captured that incredible sight.

And on a similar note, who has seen NASA's new high res image of Mars?
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While the image of Mars is really cool, I think it would be better as just a hyperlink. The photo is so large and cumbersome on the page load and it's not even related to Boston.
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