Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part V (2012)

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Happening right now:

Cool pic.

At first I was like "what is this thing photoshopped into the pic?" Almost doesn't look real.
It's been a few years since the Hood Blimp last flew (floated?) over our skies.
It's been a few years since the Hood Blimp last flew (floated?) over our skies.


Hmm, I didn't know that.

That explains why it hasn't been in Beverly for a few years. I thought they were just parking (? tieing down?) it elsewhere.
Interesting, Ron. Makes sense considering I can't remember ever photographing the blimp and I've been settled into my perch for two years now.
Kz, that second shot...I would have never guessed that was anywhere in Boston until I looked more closely! So much going on, lots of activity, energy, all sorts of different colors, shapes, almost weirdness! Great shot of one my favorite new places in Boston, Liberty Wharf!
^ Definitely blew my mind too. I wish Liberty Wharf had more worthy neighbors to fill out this scene...

Also, it would be nice if the width of the streets in the Seaport were at least more accommodating of non-car uses. Check out that median. If it were reduced to a single line, the bike lanes could have room to breathe, and it would be an easier crossing for peds.

And would slightly more stylish traffic lights kill the city? I prefer the ground units like the ones on Comm. Ave., but if they have to be hoisted above the street, maybe something slightly less perfunctory?
Glad you guys liked's the same view zoomed out a bit:


And looking towards Charlestown:

A couple of the Ben & Jerry's festival Saturday:


I've said before that the Leverett Connector ruins the drama of the Zakim, but I love the raw urban crowdedness of the last pic. There is almost something even Asian about it; maybe the density of relatively new infrastructure. Can we throw a railway bridge under it, a la the BU Bridge, just to make it even more Tokyoesque?
I've said before that the Leverett Connector ruins the drama of the Zakim, but I love the raw urban crowdedness of the last pic. There is almost something even Asian about it; maybe the density of relatively new infrastructure. Can we throw a railway bridge under it, a la the BU Bridge, just to make it even more Tokyoesque?

The RR drawbridge is just out of the frame to the right :)
Yes, yes, but I meant a diagonal bridge under the others. Something like the BU bridge. Still, yes, crowded, good.
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