Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part V (2012)

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^ Wow, anyone else think that one large tree blocking the state house should be taken down? I mean, I don't usually advocated taking trees down for mundane things, but the grand view it would allow for would just be fantastic.
we all ready had that debate when I posted an earlier pix taken in the spring,I think on the Boston common thread? Those trees have already been trimmed down,maybe they can be thin out abit.
The general consensus was, yes it blocks a great vista, but it's a rather old, mature tree that has been around longer than most, if not all, current Bostonians and old tree trumps photo ops.
I've always hated that tree, but there's something charming in the State House not being able to command an imperial vista down to Park St. Station. Something very checks-and-balances about it almost.
New proposal: transplant the tree in front of city hall. Everyone wins.

I wonder how much it would be to transplant such a large tree. WOnder if it has ever been done.
The classic Dillon's view! My favorite place in the city to have a drink and apps.


Although you can't see from this pic, there are actually 3 trees that are directly in front of the state house from this vantage point. Behind the tree you see are two other very old trees located up those stairs on Beacon Street. I'm 99.9 % sure all three are
Elm trees so they nurse them to keep them alive for their historical significance.

There was an article recently in the globe re: having to remove a few elms out of the public garden due to advance dutch elm disease. It mentioned one elm is slated to be removed from the Common very soon for the same reason, but I don't think it is one of these particular trees.
The 1972 photo is from Boston Public Library's Flickr collection, but I made some effort to position the camera almost exactly as it was taken 40 years ago to recreate the scene. It may not be surprising that little has changed (except for a light removal, restaurant/cafe table removals, addition of a Starbucks, and the slightly repositioned 1873 kettle):

Wow! Pretty much spot on for the positioning! Well done!

That outdoor seating area looks great. Adds some marginal life to the plaza. I'm sure the fountain was a hit too (on that rare event that it worked). Of course at that time the courtyard was also open to the public too!

Something that is also different in today's photo is the addition of the Big-Brotheresque over-sized creepy portrait of Mayor John F. Collins.
I like how you even did your best to replicate the hair style of the guy in the foreground. The biggest difference I see is that everybody in 2012 looks like they ate everybody from 1972.
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