Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part V (2012)

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Compare and contrast this sunrise shot taken in late July...


With this shot taken tonight, post-wind storm. Notice anything missing?


The whole top 15 feet of the tree came down yesterday, and I happened to watch it initally go over and get suspended on some nearby branches. I then ran over to warn the neighbor her car is in danger of getting some custom work done, and after a few minutes of chatting it made its inevitable descent down to the ground. What a terrific crackling sound it made!

^cool rainy day pix! sitting at a red light and took these>
the race
this guy was down the street
WTF is all I have to say. You shoot randomly and end up with really interesting shots. I try hard and end up with crap all the time.

It just ain't fair I tells ya'!
lol^ thanks!always carry that camera,you never know what u might see
< waiting to pay the toll @128/95/Mass pike
FUCK YEAH! *waves flag overzealously, drinks Bud like its cool, bombs Iran*


From the F4 ferry
July 4, 2012
At the Christian Science Center this evening! Trying out the panorama function on the new iOS.

Downburst, here's a barely on-topic question for you: how do you like Apple's new Maps app? I'm holding off on updating until I get more feedback.

PS, BostonUrbEx, I love that action shot. Makes me think of some recent shots I got of the Blue Angels practicing in Cleveland:

kz, I like it for the most part. The 3D models are incredible but sadly limited in the amount of area they cover. The topography is acceptable. Some of the touch controls are really wonky at times.

Personally, I'd wait until Apple releases a few updates... maybe a month or two?

To stay on topic:

Does anyone else here really like The Intercontinental? I love it. It's unlike anything else in the city.

I took this about a month ago... the day of the cliff-diving off of the ICA.
Nice shot! I get the feeling that the Intercontinental doesn't get much love here. Whether that's because of it's street level interaction or the structure itself (or both), I have no idea. I personally enjoy the cladding and the fort point patio, but find its massing a bit too squat to be truly enjoyable.
Awesome work, Downburst! Love that IC and Atlantic Wharf shot!

Downburst, here's a barely on-topic question for you: how do you like Apple's new Maps app? I'm holding off on updating until I get more feedback.

PS, BostonUrbEx, I love that action shot. Makes me think of some recent shots I got of the Blue Angels practicing in Cleveland:


Nice! I have some of the blue angels on the 4th:


Can't really tell they're the Blue Angels in any of my pics though...
^ yeah amazing how the criticisms have piled on since I asked my question. But I suppose the better question at this point is how soon until Google release their maps app for the new OS? Until then I'm fine with what I have.
Woah, the Os Gemeos mural looks really nice in black and white and seriously wtf is with all that valet signage in the InterContinental garage?
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