Raffles Boston (40 Trinity Place) | 426 Stuart Street | Back Bay

Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

it's great that Boston is undergoing a tall building boom, but i must admit i didn't think this hotel proposal was actually legit. i feel as though boston doesn't need this much hotel space.
It isn't that unusual for every hotel in Boston to sell out. Sometimes, every hotel sells out in a 20-30 mile radius.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I'm actually relieved. I thought the proposal was to be built on all three parcels extending to the YMCA building--a building I kinda like.

I agree the design is pretty boring. Unfortunately, I bet it will probably get worse. I'm pretty sure this is just a place keeper. This building isn't even designed at this stage.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

How is a 33 story hotel (granted there is a residential component) a boutique hotel? I guess every hotel without a recognizable brand is now considered a boutique hotel.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

If you think the city has enough hotel rooms, you should try getting yourself one. Bonus challenge, try getting one for under $100/night.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

The shadows people and wind-fearers are out.

I wish Marty Walz would put as much effort into dealing with the homeless and crackheads who congregate Copley, as she does worrying about wind and shadows.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I wish Marty Walz would put as much effort into dealing with the homeless and crackheads who congregate Copley, as she does worrying about wind and shadows.

She can't extort money from crackheads so she doesn't care about them
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I withheld political contribution to her campaign this year because of her disinterest in the homeless population. It's gotten horrendus this year.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

Marty seems to hold the same belief as Meninio that the historic churches and public library are suitable wet shelters for the homeless population. Moving that problematic population to shelters, mental health facilities, detox, jail, etc (where they belong) would require an exercise of leadership.

More likely than not something high profile will happen and they'll all be broomed to my neighborhood. Because PSI/BMC isn't well over capacity or full of non-Boston residents dumped here by other municipalities or states. /sarc
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I know there was some conversation about this project in another thread, but it appears this is the correct thread to put this article (please feel free to correct/yell at me if I'm wrong).

The developer of a 33-story hotel and condo tower could begin construction on the project in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood this winter.

The development team, a trinity of Boston hotel operators Jeffrey and Gary Saunders and Jordan Warshaw, plans to build 115 condos and 227 hotel rooms in a 400-foot tower at 40 Trinity Place.


The developer has put together an "economically viable plan," given the mix of hotel rooms, condos and retail space, according to Warshaw. While he would not give specifics about who the developers are courting for financing, Warshaw said he is "very comfortable" with the project, especially since the team owns the Boston Common Hotel & Conference Center where the project would be built. If the BRA approves the tower, the team could begin construction sometime this winter, Warshaw added.

"The economics don't work usually for hotels," because they cost so much to build in Boston, Warshaw said after the meeting. "The profits from the condos will serve to lower the leverage on the hotel."

Banker & Tradesman (Wasn't behind a paywall for me.)

It sounds like NIMBYs want this thing to be no taller than the Clarendon (quote is in the article. It would be nice if this project broke ground this winter, but is that a bit optimistic given that it isn't approved yet?
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

"The economics don't work usually for hotels," because they cost so much to build in Boston, Warshaw said after the meeting. "The profits from the condos will serve to lower the leverage on the hotel."

Uhhhhh....so why not just build more condominiums and no hotel? Rather than having the profits from the condominiums subsidize the hotel, why not put those profits in your pocket. Or pay for a design that doesn't cause people to yawn. Everything else getting built around town these days is all residential and no hotel...are these guys so much smarter?
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

Because hotels are what the Saunders family do? It will be a long time before Boston has a glut of hotel rooms. I'm happy to see more added.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I'm very confused about the "economics don't work for hotels in Boston" claim. Boston has such a high demand for hotel rooms that it isn't even funny. Hotels consistently fill up and charge $250-300 at the base rates and then can get away with charging up to $500 (for a standard room) during peak weeks/weekends.

Also, look at the W... a condo/hotel combo. Notice what part is nearly FULL all the time? The hotel. Notice what is dark/empty/wasted space? The condos.
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

According to the Boston Courant the chief remaining concern about this project is wind speeds. The developer has proposed a new landscaping plan to deal with this - marcescent trees, trees that keep their leaves through the winter.

Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

According the wiki article, it means that they retain dead leaves through the winter. What's not clear is whether the leaves remain after months in a sustained wind tunnel.

If only there were a type of tree that kept its leaves forever green, which could serve as wind barriers and at the same time be hardy and resistant to the stresses of winter weather?
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

According the wiki article, it means that they retain dead leaves through the winter. What's not clear is whether the leaves remain after months in a sustained wind tunnel.

If only there were a type of tree that kept its leaves forever green, which could serve as wind barriers and at the same time be hardy and resistant to the stresses of winter weather?

We need the geniuses at MIT to come up with that kind of tree.

They could call it an "evergreen".
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

Just build them from plastic :)
Re: New hotel tower Trinity Place near Copley Sq.

I have two pin oaks in my front yard. They sustain leaves in the winter. It's surprising how long they stay on there in the wind. Kind of depressing to look at dead, shriveled leaves every day though.
