Rose Kennedy Greenway

A rendering of how the RKG was supposed to look, before the grass seeding union muscled out the asphalt layers union behind the scenes:

Thank God the grass union won out then. I don't know where this boulevard is, but it is too massive, bleak, barren and devoid of anything of interest. With all its problems, I'd have to choose the RKG over this any day.
It actually looks surprisingly active along the sides. I bet crossing is a real killer, though.

The first ArchBoston reader to post an image of the RKG parcel former used by Occupy Boston showing any prior public use, events or activity wins the challenge.

I'm not making any political commentary about the Occupy movement, so please don't go there.

My challenge is based simply on statements by City Hall and the Conservancy regarding "restoring the parcel back to its former use as an active public space" (that is paraphrased).

Facts on the ground seem to belie official public statements about prior uses on that parcel.

Anyone up for the challenge?
Not so fast, Ron.

That hardscape is in front of the Occupy parcel, closer to the MBTA headhouse. Occupy didn't occupy that area, and in fact the Dewey Square Farmer's Market continued operations without disruption during the protest.


OK - Ron, you edited your post...

I can't tell where your 3rd link is -- not sure what tract that loom was on.

You win the Challenge with your 4th URL! The Occupy Parcel had a use!

OK - You edited again...

You win the CHALLENGE with URL's 3-5 !!!!!!!!
OK, but see the other links I edited into my post, which are photos from the Figment festival in June.

Some of the same people participated in both Figment and Occupy.
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Glad the Greenway was used for something in this area............Can't wait to see next years crowd that camps out. I'm sure they will blame the 50% for having real jobs and they don't
Just noticed how beautiful South Station looks from Boston02124's perspective.

The crown with the eagle on it is notably elegant at that angle.
Just noticed how beautiful South Station looks from Boston02124's perspective.

The crown with the eagle on it is notably elegant at that angle.

Me too. I was also fantasizing about the South Station Tower on top too. It'd be dead center in that view!
The parcel actually looks active in that June photo!

Figment brought a lot of people to the Greenway in June. Other than Occupy and the farmers' markets, it's the only active use I can recall for the Dewey Square park.
Me too. I was also fantasizing about the South Station Tower on top too. It'd be dead center in that view!


So long as the developer doesn't co-opt the center of South Station's amazing atrium to be a private escalator launch to the tower lobby above.

Which, so far as I remember, is what was first proposed.
^^^ Not many days in mid-December when one can still see lush green grass in Boston.

Thanks for that image of South Station... this is the kind of extraordinary perspective on great architecture (and Dewey Square itself) that you can't get no matter how long you live in town.
