I like how theyre using superblocks to block off some of the grid and allow it to flow vs a stop light at every single building. It will help with the flow of cars along with pedestrian flow and protected space for them to walk, bikers too.
The benjamin and whatever its twin is called have a superblock, the memorial park has a large superblock, M parcels is a huge superblock with a pedestrian cut through (need more of these throughout the city), L1-L2, L3-6 is another HUGE superblock with pedestrian only access in the central outdoor space, K is a mini one.
I love how the road cant keep going behind 101 and 121 seaport but they extend it through M parcels as a ped courtyard, then L3-L6 you can cut through n-s and e-w and the bottom corner of M parcels leads to an east west cut through of the L pacels to make an easy way to get through. The pedestrian access-ways being designed into the city here are the best in the city. From scratch they are designing long ped-ways that are VERY protected from cars because they are between buildings. Not only does the superblocks keep traffic flowing, but the same with bikes, and its giving really good pedestrian walk ways that are safe and also double as retail corridors. This is looking amazing. People are going to eat their words when this neighborhood is more finished. Id say in 5 years it is going to have a semblance of a real neighborhood and will start getting the amenities that true neighborhoods have once it is more filled in and people live/work here.
All of the other great neighborhoods of Boston still exist, and none were demolished to create this, its a win win. I love how its moving towards fort point now too so it will be brick vs glass. Fort point will give it that realness to it where its not 100% from scratch and nice little nooks and crannies that look great with it tied in together. I think its going to be a retail paradise in a few years. This will be like a newbury st entire neighborhood vs street. There are going to be mega pedestrian shopping corridors all the way from pier 4, to seaport blvd, to parcel M, and Seaport Sq. Also along the harbor walk as well which is going to be amazing. I think this will become the major upscale shopping destination of Boston which Im all for because that is something completely different than anything we have so far. We still have Assembly too, the mall in the back bay...etc, but if you want to shop outdoors this will be the spot. Pretty cool.
Through the right corridor is to Parcel M
Corridor between Seaport sq and M parcels.
Bottom 3 pics are all between M parcel and Seaport Sq.
Off to the left will be more Seaport sq. towers.
Off to the left will be the rest of Seaport sq.