Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital | Navy Yard | Charlestown

What's the building next to the Garden/NS, where the Tip O'Neill building is now? I assume it's some sort of hotel? Looks nice.
On the other side of the Old Garden was the 'Analex' office building, which once held the headquarters of the Boston & Maine Railroad. This was one of the very few buildings that had to be demolished for the Big Dig.
Okay, convert Nashua Street to a hotel... but where in the mere 48 sq miles of Boston Proper do we build a new one? It is obvious when they built that jail they didn't think the Charles River would become as clean, as fast, so where is the cheap land and lack of neighborhood opposition to build a jail in Boston today?

How about on one of the Boston Harbour islands? :) Not the ones with cool forts but one of the other ones.

Does Mass. really still needs separate county jails? I thought much of the county government in Massachusetts was done away with in 1997-1998? The courts were all supposed to be up-merged into the state level.

Article: The demise of Massachusetts County government? - By Abrahams, Mark D.
Date: Tuesday, April 1 1997
Source: -- Publication: Government Finance Review


Back to the topic at head though, that looks like a great location. The sea air would be nice in the summer.....
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Good shots, thanks for the photographic update, Boston02124.
Somehow this thread has evaded me, so that's what this construction is. I just noticed this going up the other day (I live directly across the harbor from it) only I thought it was condos or something. What a handsome building, love that '50s retro!
What building is this in the foreground? It loos beautiful IMO.

