The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Re: TD Garden Towers

I hope he goes full Menino on this one and shoves it through approvals unchanged before his last day in office. If he does, I might just forget about that whole Filenes thing. ;)
Re: TD Garden Towers

As much as I bitterly hate anyone who complains about the height, I never expected anything to exceed 500 ft there. So 100ft getting chopped still exceeds (pun intended) my expectations.

That being said, I still hope this goes through as is. This is bold and very exciting.
Re: TD Garden Towers

we should bet/take a poll on the final height of this thing. I'm going 430'.
Re: TD Garden Towers

I was pleasantly surprised by this proposal. Seems like pretty good street interaction and the concourse will finally give N. Station some gravitas which it totally lacks. I also like the taller, more prominent towers here. They will serve a important landmarks, announcing the location of N. Station/Boston Garden from a distance, the same way the Hancock does for Copley Sq.

But I'm disappointed that no timeline has really been mentioned. These towers have been in the works for decades now in one form or another. I wouldn't hold my breath for these.
Re: TD Garden Towers

I'm a little confused because it says the buildings are supposed to be 600', 420', and 320'. However, if you look at the middle building compared to the tallest, the proportions are definitely not right for these heights.
Re: TD Garden Towers

I'm disappointed that no timeline has really been mentioned. These towers have been in the works for decades now in one form or another. I wouldn't hold my breath for these.

There was a timeline in the BRA docs. Initial work on atrium and retail space in 2014 followed by the office building and the hotel/residential 24 to 36 months later I think.
Re: TD Garden Towers

You are correct, they said they would hope to start work in Q3 2014.
Re: TD Garden Towers

There was a timeline in the BRA docs. Initial work on atrium and retail space in 2014 followed by the office building and the hotel/residential 24 to 36 months later I think.

The Herald article says:

"The first phase — the retail base, hotel tower and Garden expansion — would begin in late 2014 and end in early 2017. The rest of the project would then take about two to three years."

Looks like around 2020 before this thing is finished.
Re: TD Garden Towers

What is going on in Boston right now? I have been a member for almost 7 years, and to see some of these projects that have been lingering my entire time here actually begin to push dirt, I am just in shock. If Columbus Center started up again, I think I'd need medication! Lol
Re: TD Garden Towers

What is going on in Boston right now? I have been a member for almost 7 years, and to see some of these projects that have been lingering my entire time here actually begin to push dirt, I am just in shock. If Columbus Center started up again, I think I'd need medication! Lol

Isn't it fun?! Unfortunately for Columbus Center parcel, the neighborhood got ahold of that land for a playground (which is quite nice, in spite of being between a highway and a parking garage...), which certainly won't be given up without some sort of gross overcompensation.
