The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

As a former Bruins season ticket holder, I can't remember going to a game where it didn't look like that afterwards.

The T entrance has always been totally backed up when games get out, and the eastern Garden exit has always been a mess because of it. With the T entrance closed, people will spread out more towards Causeway instead of clustering right at the backed up headhouse. Pedestrian traffic will probably worsen here thanks to the driveway leaving the south side of the Garden being closed during (overhead) construction, not because the T entrance is closed.

There have always been cops standing in Causeway and holding car traffic back for the exiting hordes. We'll probably see more of this now, with Causeway basically turning into a pedestrian way immediately after games until the crowds disperse. Drivers should suffer here worse than transit riders.

By my reckoning, this headhouse closure will be much more of a headache for commuters (who don't get Causeway totally blocked off for them) than Garden event attendees.

And it's worse now. Whereas crows departing the east entrance had to get around the concrete bollards, the new walkway creates a bottleneck situation. There's confusion, because people see the signs for the OL/GL station and try to funnel under the walkway, despite the path to the left of the covered walkway leading to the same exact location.

Think of this as the Allston tolls. 8 lanes funneling down to 3.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Seems like they should have (1) waited 2 to 3 more months before closing and (2) had a bus shuttle to another transit nexus.

Waited until at least March (when Govt Center reopened) or April (when the Bruins/Celts regular season(s) end).

Bus shuttle to any of Haymarket, Charles MGH, or Govt Center (if reopened).

[and note that sports is a crazy-peaked O/D generator...just about the worst one can think of]
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

I'm in that mass of humanity as well. Can't find myself though.
We all stayed to the left of the barricade and funneled to a tight squeeze that let us out heading directly towards the north end. Hung a right down the greenway and walked to South Station.

It's always a madhouse getting out, and I've always considered trying to get on any trains after a game at North Station a non-choice. Walking to any of the other nearby stations and letting the crowd thin is always my drug of choice. One of the guys I was with at the game was unfortunately taking the CR north, so hopefully he didn't get trampled.

Side note. A mother sitting in front of me asked me to "keep it down" during the game. Apparently the 17,000+ other folks were much quieter than I.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

I'm in that mass of humanity as well. Can't find myself though.
We all stayed to the left of the barricade and funneled to a tight squeeze that let us out heading directly towards the north end. Hung a right down the greenway and walked to South Station.

It's always a madhouse getting out, and I've always considered trying to get on any trains after a game at North Station a non-choice. Walking to any of the other nearby stations and letting the crowd thin is always my drug of choice. One of the guys I was with at the game was unfortunately taking the CR north, so hopefully he didn't get trampled.

Side note. A mother sitting in front of me asked me to "keep it down" during the game. Apparently the 17,000+ other folks were much quieter than I.

Seamus --Google a pix from the old days of the real Bahston Gahdn[1] -- the crowd exiting to the elevated Green Line always was at least that thick -- sometimes it looked at home in Mumbai -- and there were no windows -- you were surrounded by paint pealing green metal panels

[1] left to those in desperate need of a nostalgia booster shot
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

To bring this back on topic, North Station's rail connections are set to improve:
- Fitchburg Line double tracking and extension
- Haverhill line upgrades (incl new Haverhill yard & improved frequencies)
- Potential NH extension of Lowell (to North Chelmsford & Nashua)
- GLX increase in frequencies to Lechmere

So beyond the fact that North Station is one of the last frontiers for "going tall", that's got to be a source of increased connections CR-GL and reason enough to re-work and re-work the first floor of the TD Garden Towers until they got it right.

Arlington -- the T or DOT and the City should have sat down with all the interested parties in the area such as Delaware North, Partners, etc. and worked out a framework for future options to develop and make sure that the transportation needs were met

I'm guessing that eventually [next development cycle?] Partners will realize the value of that open lot and lease it for development and on a longer timescale there's the old Spalding and even the Jail as future city building sites
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Seamus --Google a pix from the old days of the real Bahston Gahdn[1] -- the crowd exiting to the elevated Green Line always was at least that thick -- sometimes it looked at home in Mumbai -- and there were no windows -- you were surrounded by paint pealing green metal panels

[1] left to those in desperate need of a nostalgia booster shot

Don't need the google machine. My memory is still holding up. I was young, so the stairs up to the old EL were borderline frightening to the younger me. And, there was no turning back once on them.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

It's been an absolute mess with the head house closure. I wouldn't be surprised if they had to take a step back and reassess. They need to do something to mitigate.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

In the morning, they have 3 or 4 Transit Police trying to direct the hordes across Causeway. This has really interfered with the traffic on Causeway and the streets off Causeway!
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

It's been an absolute mess with the head house closure. I wouldn't be surprised if they had to take a step back and reassess. They need to do something to mitigate.

In the morning, they have 3 or 4 Transit Police trying to direct the hordes across Causeway. This has really interfered with the traffic on Causeway and the streets off Causeway!

Everybody except for the T and BP saw this coming from a mile away.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

I still wish it were about 200 feet taller like the old proposal.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

This looks like it belongs in Assembly Row. What is that cage up top. is this going to be like the Iconic BNY building in 30 years are we going to be saying what is that funny looking hat. Also are there fans in there is that the new hot thing like 888 Boylston.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

^ Mechanical solar panels that turn to face the sun.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Overall, prefer the newer tower "designs", but prefer the height of the original.
Time for an architect DJ to do a mash up.

BP has the capital to go higher on the res, and it would seem the need/demand for res is still there. Still a mystery to me why they would leave it on the table (the extra 200 feet).
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

The part that kills me is most of the bad architecture thus far has been hidden in the seaport or another stump hidden somewhere downtown. This is going to be the northern gateway to the city! You cannot settle here, you just cant. We are getting a lot of good buildings now and its not going to mean much if the gateway/initial impression of the city looks like a scrapbook project. I much prefer the original two height and design wise. The residential has a feel of art deco with the long vertical lines of masonry and black horizontal lines. The office is just a black glass office tower which always looks fine.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Where is the meeting? Can we get some people in here to speak out against this junk?

I'm not sure what is the most embarrassing part of this proposal: the scaled down stumpy residential tower, the overly fat and clunky office tower, or the totally bland/plain hotel section tacked on in the middle.

Aside from the decent looking base, this will become one of the ugliest complexes in North America. I would be ashamed to put my company's name on this. Boston Properties is taking a giant dump all over Boston with this one.

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

This is the epitome of street level greatness and terrible otherwise. Yes street level is important but COME ON! When its the gateway to the city you just have to come through, the architecture above the base becomes MUCH more important than if it was anywhere else.
