The New Retail Thread

Ron, based on pictures in the thread for this project, it looks like the garage is mostly gone already.
Reports of Starbucks coming to Chelsea. And no, this is not April Fools. Supposedly near the Market Basket area.
Chanel Number 6.

Doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

Ah -- but even in Paris they don't have:
floor-to-ceiling windows and direct elevator access, plus balconies and terraces that overlook the Boston cityscape or the nearby Public Garden

After one of those wild and crazy parties thrown by the uber-1%ers:

"Dahhhling, can you please help -- I'm desperate for a freshen-up and I've run out of Chanel #5"

" Mais bien sûr, prendre mon ascenseur privé à la boutique Chanel"


"Mon plaisir, ne le mentionnent pas"

Eat your heart out Madame Sarkoszy
Yesterday I noticed that the McDonalds at the corner of North St and Union St. (across from Faneuil Hall) has closed. Sign on the door refers people to the McDonalds at South Station. Has corporate America taken a hit?
Yesterday I noticed that the McDonalds at the corner of North St and Union St. (across from Faneuil Hall) has closed. Sign on the door refers people to the McDonalds at South Station. Has corporate America taken a hit?

You've gotta be fckin kidding me. Ugh. Major hit for the people that work in the area.

Even with the inflated prices ($1 ice cream was $1.37 at Faneuil), it was still the cheapest and fastest place to grab snacks and lunch on breaks. The business express line was great.
What? Why? Doesn't Quincy Market have dozens of inexpensive food vendors serving out much better food than McDonald's pink slime patties?
What? Why? Doesn't Quincy Market have dozens of inexpensive food vendors serving out much better food than McDonald's pink slime patties?

Did you really just use the words "Quincy Market" and "inexpensive" in the same sentence? Even with local employee discounts (10%-20% w/ more places not offering any discounts at all), lunch still runs you around $10. That's more than an hour of work. McDonalds got you a meal with $6.
From what I've read elsewhere (Universal Hub?), the McDonald's is closing because a bank is moving in.
Edit - Ron beat me to it....

McDonalds is going to become a bank. There was an article the a few weeks ago in the Boston Globe about banks replacing prime retail/restaurant space. They are able to outbit most any other tenant for choice locations. If I recall correctly a bank bought out McDonald's pre-existing lease for this location. Same situation happened for the Finagle a Bagel location across from Park St. station.
Did you really just use the words "Quincy Market" and "inexpensive" in the same sentence? Even with local employee discounts (10%-20% w/ more places not offering any discounts at all), lunch still runs you around $10. That's more than an hour of work. McDonalds got you a meal with $6.

I worked across the street from here for a co-op last fall, and believe me there are plenty of places you can get a lunch for $5-$6 in the area:
- Haymarket Pizza (slices start at $1.25, generous portions and very delicious)
- The food trucks (on a given day all seasons you can count on seeing at least 3 food trucks within a block of Quincy Market/Gov't Center)
- Osaka Sushi Express (West End, but again generous portions for cheap)
- Burger King on Cambridge Street
- Al's State Street Cafe ($8 for a 16" sub)
- Countless food carts/push carts selling affordable meals (gyros, hot dogs, sausage, a lot of the same crap you can get from McDonalds).

I'm surprised, datadyne007; you always struck me as the kind of person that would be a proponent for McDonald's demise in Boston. We should be excited about the pace McDonalds have been closing shop around the city the last few years.
BK in 1-2-3 Center Plaza closes on the weekends. All of 1-2-3 is closed on weekends, even during peak tourist season in the summer. Au Bon Pain also has the most inconvenient hours possible. I personally love McDonalds and chain food in general. I would never be happy to see their demise in Boston.

Also, AE uses 10 min breather breaks and 30 min lunch breaks (only 5 hrs or more), so leaving the immediate area is tough.
The Kinsale at 1-2-3 doesn't close on the weekends.

Also, come on... losing McDonald's is a bad thing because there's no other cheap food around there? A) there's tons, and B) if you really want a cheap meal that'll kill you, just get a pack of smokes and a Red Bull from a convenience store.
Their service and accuracy was terrible at that location though. There's really no question why the last "Franchise of the Year" awards on the wall were from 2006 and 2007. Their TV for the McCafe menu never worked either.

It was also the only fast-food option in the area at night from Thurs to Sat with their unique "walk-through" window during late-night till 2AM, perfect for the overnight floorset shifts.
That McDonalds on Union Street is money come 2:30 when you are rolling out of a bar. The walk-up window is great.
