The Victor | 110 Beverly Street | West End

Re: The Victor

Beton Brut coined the term Boston Bleak before, though Roxxma's is just as good.
Re: The Victor

It looks even shittier than the Avenir when looking at it from the south. Bravo! Now we need to come up with some way to make the Merano even shittier than the previous two!
Re: The Victor

Keep in mind that the view from the South won't really be a view you'll long see when all the developments here happen. I'm guessing that's why so little thought was put into that face.
Re: The Victor

I have seen a lot of this in NYC. The Houston Street complex with the Whole Foods in it comes to mind. Total snooze fest. Uptown they use this basic, dull design as a pedestal to slap a slimmer tower on top - 40 stories of laziness.

Re: The Victor

I like this building and I also like the Avenir! I've never minded this style of building with the mix of glass, brick, and other claddings! I don't even mind that it's a landscaper! I really like Trilogy and 1330 Boylston as well! These buildings are loaded with ground floor retail and contain almost 1000 apartments! They seriously do the job of what everyone here wants from mixed use developments! I frankly believe that most people in the city would find these buildings pleasant looking and benign, though nothing to get a hard-on over! Boring, maybe! Shitty, bleak, lazy...I don't see that at all! As far as the Merano, for me, that's looking ok too though it's hard to make a judgement on something till the product is almost finished! I've learned that, sadly, renderings arn't always the same as the finished product! That seems to happen a lot with Boston building construction!
Re: The Victor

I agree no it is not amazing but all of these buildings are decent and are not nearly as ugly as some of the other buildings in the city and help to knit the urban fabric back together.
Re: The Victor

I guess the silver lining is that when this area is fully built out you won't see much of the building.
Re: The Victor

Both Merano and One Canal cannot start soon enough.
Re: The Victor

I know I am in the minority with this, but I don't think it's that awful. Once this area gets built up a little more, these will be nothing more than fillers, background buildings. I know they don't impress, but we have seen far worse in this city.
Re: The Victor

I know I am in the minority with this, but I don't think it's that awful. Once this area gets built up a little more, these will be nothing more than fillers, background buildings. I know they don't impress, but we have seen far worse in this city.

The problem is the BRA has come out and said that it wants every building in Boston to be a "background building".
Re: The Victor

I don't think anyone on this forum disputes the fact that background buildings are good. No one wants a Googie Boston or a starchitecture theme park.

What people wish was that the construction quality and basic urbanism of the background buildings was a little higher. Stone vs. precast. No obviously unnecessary facade gaps. No blank walls facing the street. Stuff like that.
Re: The Victor

Not gonna lie I kinda like it. It will look good when this is all filled in.
Re: The Victor

This building actually looks really nice from 93S on your way into the tunnel. The glass is nice. (I'm not defending the superblock, lack of urbanism, or facade as a whole by any means) Obviously, this is sadly the complete opposite of the effect buildings should have, as the focus should be on the pedestrian and street engagement.
