Tree House Residence Hall Tower @ MassArt | 578 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

Re: Mass Art Dormitory

But that's expected when your History of Architecture professors tells you that, unless you graduate out of MIT with a bachelor of science in Architecture, you'll never be a famous architect and will be relegated to designing houses. Ouch. One of the reason why I transferred out and decided to minor in the subject instead.

Someone posted this elsewhere on the board. I thought I would repost it here because it seems relevant:
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

You do realize that architecture professors are notorious for discouraging students from sticking with the program in order to reduce studio sizes? Design schools take in freshmen to pay the bills, then spend the time thereafter doing everything they can do weed students down to the most talented and committed. It's what makes the most sense financially for schools and logistically for professors that don't want to spend excess time each week giving desk critiques and conducting never ending reviews.

Given the rate of unemployment among architects, it would not surprise me in the slightest if faculty were actively attempting to suppress entry into the profession even further.

Also in response to our local Wentworth fanboy, as much as I have a personal and professional issue with certain members of the faculty, NU has held its accreditation and greatly expanded its program the past few years, the same can not be said for Wentworth. There's also been an issue at Wentworth where the studio has not been permitted to operate 24hrs a day at various points as well as facilities related issues with their space. Of course in comparison NU, to my understanding, has had a shortage of both studio/critique space and has a laughable to non-existent model shop/plotting capability.

Don't even get me started on the BAC, MITs back and forth flirtation with relevancy, and the GSDs continued commitment to arrogance.
That is wrong. WIT redoes its entire curriculum in every dept every 2-4 years. We also just got official MArch accreditation, meaning we have the one of the fastest programs in the country - 4 years (BSA) + 1 year (MArch). Also, WIT does not have a 24-hour studio because Glenn Wiggins, the Dean of the College of Arch & Design, has an aversion to 24-hour studios for health concerns. As Dean at previous colleges, he witnessed many extremely harmful accidents in the early-morning hours, and vowed to never let it happen at WIT. It's different, but it's effective.

This thread is about the MassArt dorm tower though. Let's keep the topic. If you wish to discuss this, we can do it via PM.

Actually that's only a small reason why I quit. The other reason is because architects are one of the least appreciated job on the market for the work you do. I remember reading that most architects make around 60k-80k a year at their peak and only a very few pass the 6 digit figure (if you're really skilled, then you can hit 7 digits). Also, as some of you stated, the job market isn't very big. I decided to choose Economics because there are more jobs available, and a higher average pay.

That is untrue. NEU is ranked 14th in architecture according the Key's Institute. Also, I've seen both Wentworth and NEU's studio space and while NEU's studio may be inside Ruggles, Wentworth is not any better.
You don't choose architecture to make money. You choose computer science to make money. Architecture is about passion. You should watch the video ^. It's one of my favorites. Also, you can't say that our studio space is not any better than being in a studio where the ceiling shakes violently every 5 minutes.

Same as above though, lets keep this on track.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

hahahaha. Only 60k-80k a year. It will be along time, if ever, before i reach that threshold. I would be jumping for joy if i made that much.

Well think about all the work you do just to graduate. Hours and hours in the studio using AutoCad to construct. My friends have to do all nighters 4 out of 7 each week and I doubt it's any different for you. You also don't have time to hold a part-time job. Props to anyone that can make it out in one piece.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

You don't choose architecture to make money. You choose computer science to make money. Architecture is about passion. You should watch the video ^. It's one of my favorites. Also, you can't say that our studio space is not any better than being in a studio where the ceiling shakes violently every 5 minutes.

Same as above though, lets keep this on track.

I'm more passionate than any of the architect students I know and I still am. But I have to think about my future, especially when its hard to keep up with tuition without being able to work during the school year. Also, we're required to study in Hamburg, Germany for a semester. It's an awesome trip but I can't afford it. Let's just say I didn't really have a choice. /offtopic
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Well think about all the work you do just to graduate. Hours and hours in the studio using AutoCad to construct. My friends have to do all nighters 4 out of 7 each week and I doubt it's any different for you. You also don't have time to hold a part-time job. Props to anyone that can make it out in one piece.

I had to hand draft all my scenic and lighting design projects. Was not allowed to use AutoCad... i can not tell you the number of times i accidentally extended a line past where it was supposed to end and had to start all over. All this while working in the scene shop at least 4 hours every night and doing outside work. Man was it fun, but so exhausting.

People don't realize how close architecture and scene design are. I just have a lot less laws and regulations governing what i design, a lot less time to build it, and my stuff gets taken down two weeks after it is finished! hehehe
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I had to hand draft all my scenic and lighting design projects. Was not allowed to use AutoCad... i can not tell you the number of times i accidentally extended a line past where it was supposed to end and had to start all over. All this while working in the scene shop at least 4 hours every night and doing outside work. Man was it fun, but so exhausting.

This is why mylar is your friend.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory




Re: Mass Art Dormitory

I like the way it looks from across the st.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Nothing terribly exciting, but this is the addition to the student center. And please bear with the angles; I was driving!


Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Can I confess to being a little annoyed when people post pictures they've taken "while I was driving"? I appreciate the photos, but they'd be even more special if I knew the person taking them wasn't risking the lives of others. Call me old-fashioned...
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Can I confess to being a little annoyed when people post pictures they've taken "while I was driving"? I appreciate the photos, but they'd be even more special if I knew the person taking them wasn't risking the lives of others. Call me old-fashioned...
Point well taken...


suppose kz1000ps had pulled over...That's what I do when I take a pic...I safely pull into a spot...park it...then snap...then I'm on my way!
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

For the record I was sitting at a red light, though I admit I occasionally do "drive by shootings." And I'll just add that the process of taking a picture (my camera takes only 1.3 seconds to go from power-up to capturing) isn't much more involved than trying to change the dial on the radio.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Bring on the Huntington Ave. high spine! GrandMarc, you're next.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

Slim, fairly elegant, and lacking parking garages, I think these economical dorm towers along Huntington can provide a good model for future housing in other parts of the city. I think it would be great to see this sort of building happen in a rezoned/ redeveloped NY Streets area, for example.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

nice pixs,luv the crane one's! I now need to find that crane on the skyline,I'm surprised I have'nt spotted it yet ;)
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

early this morning from the Longfellow
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

^ that is the creepiest flying seagull i have ever seen.
Re: Mass Art Dormitory

^ lol the seagulls were a bonus,I did'nt see them until I uploaded the pixs
